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http://www.100md.com 《首都医科大学学报》 1999年第3期
     作者:袁立 韩宙 韩济生

    单位:北京医科大学神经科学研究所,北京 100083


    990319 孤啡肽(orphanin FQ,OFQ)是1995 年底发现的孤儿阿片受体样受体的内源性配体[1],其结构和细胞内信号转导通路方面类似于阿片肽但功能在脑内则与阿片肽相反。OFQ 作为一种新的抗阿片样物质广泛存在于中枢神经系统,原位杂交[2]和Northern杂交[3]结果表明其前体mRNA在中脑导水管周围灰质(periaqueductal gray, PAG)、杏仁核、丘脑和下丘脑等部位有较多的分布与表达。本工作运用放射免疫分析方法对P77PMC大鼠和Wistar大鼠的这4个脑区及脑室灌流液中OFQ免疫活性(immunoreactivity, ir)进行了测定。
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    1 材料与方法

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    2 结果与讨论


    表1 Wistar大鼠和P77PMC大鼠不同脑区及脑室灌流液中OFQ-ir比较(±s)

    Table 1 The content of OFQ-ir in different brain
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    region and cerebrovetricular perfusate (ng per mg protein)

    in Wistar rats and P77PMC rats (±s) Rats





    Ventricular perfusate(n)

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, 百拇医药

    n, the number of animals in each group. P<0.05, **P<0.01 compared with Wistar rats, tested by Student's two tailed t test.

    P77PMC大鼠是我校裴耕源教授1977年培育的先天遗传性听源性惊厥易感大鼠,其电针效果明显优于Wistar大鼠,原因之一是其脑内抗阿片肽CCK-8的含量特别低。本次实验发现P77PMC大鼠的下丘脑、PAG和脑室灌流液中OFQ-ir含量明显低于Wistar大鼠。由于侧脑室注射OFQ能剂量依赖性翻转大鼠吗啡镇痛和电针镇痛[4~6],因此推测P77PMC 大鼠脑内OFQ的生物合成和基础释放量的减少也是其电针效果优于Wistar大鼠的另一原因。

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    1 Reinscheid RK, Nothacker HP, Bourson A, et al. Orphanin FQ: A neuropeptide that activates an opioid-like G protein-coupled receptor. Science, 1995, 270:792-794

    2 Houtani T, Nishi M, Takeshima H, et al. Structure and regional distribution of nociceptin/orphanin FQ precursor. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1996, 219:714-719

    3 Nothacher HP, Reinscheids RK, Mansour A, et al. Primary structure and tissue distribution of orphanin FQ precursor. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1996, 93:8677-8682
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    4 Grise JE, Moril JS, Belknap JK, et al. Orphanin FQ acts as a supraspinal, but not a spinal, anti-opioid peptide. Neuroreport, 1996, 7 :2125-2129

    5 Tian JH, Wu W, Fang Y, et al. Bidirectional modulatory effect of orphanin FQ on morphine-induced analgesia: Antagonism in brain and potentiation in spinal cord of the rat. Br J pharmacol, 1997, 120(4):676-680

    6 Tian JH, Xu W, Zhang ZK, et al.Involvement of endogenous orphanin FQ in electroacupuncture-induced analgesia. Neuroreport, 1997, 8(2):497-500


    , 百拇医药