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http://www.100md.com 《首都医科大学学报》 1999年第4期
     作者:霍德政 李立明 尹香君

    单位:北京医科大学流行病学教研室,北京 100083


    北京医科大学学报990429 摘 要 目的:了解髋部骨折对中老年人生活质量的影响。方法:采用回顾性方法调查了201名50岁以上髋部骨折出院病人在骨折前和骨折后的日常生活功能。结果:11项日常生活功能在骨折后均明显降低,到骨折后1年时仍有近80%的髋部骨折病人日常生活功能没有完全恢复。11项日常生活功能平均恢复时间从3.5个月到13.1个月不等,恢复最快的是上、下床功能,恢复最慢的是购物功能。另外许多日常生活功能在骨折后1~2年间没有实质性的改善。结论:髋部骨折对中老年人的日常生活功能确有巨大影响。

    中国图书资料分类法分类号 R683
, 百拇医药
    The impact of hip fracture on activities

    of daily living in the middle-aged and elderly

    HUO De-Zheng, LI li-Ming, YIN Xiang-Jun

    (Departement of Epidemiology, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100083)

    ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the impact of hip fracture on the physcial and instrument function in the middle-aged and elderly. Methods:201 hospital discharged hip fracture patients aged 50 and older were retrospectively interviewed on pre-fracture and post-activities of daily living(ADL). Results: All 11 items of activity declined after hip fracture.Almost 80 percent hip fracture did not regain their previous levels of activities of daily living until one year following fracture. The average recovery duration of 11 items ranged from 3.5 months to 13.1 months. The first recovery activity was getting up, and the last shopping. In addition, many ADLs changed little between one year and two year after hip fracture. Conclusion:Findings have pointed to the devastating effects of hip fracture on physcical and instrumental function in the middle-aged and elderly.
, 百拇医药
    MeSH Hip fractures Activities of daily life Quality of live Aged


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 研究对象

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    1.2 资料收集方法

    采用统一的调查问卷,由经过统一培训的调查员入户面访研究对象本人后填写。问卷内容包括:人口学特征、疾病史、药物史、饮食情况和体力活动情况等。以11项日常生活活动评价日常生活功能状况,其内容既包含了日常生活功能(activities of daily living, ADL),又包含了工具性日常生活功能(instrument activities of daily living, IADL)。询问研究对象骨折前、后的日常生活功能,以及骨折后日常生活功能的恢复时间。

    1.3 统计分析方法

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    2 结果



    表1 髋部骨折前后各项日常生活功能的丧失率*
, 百拇医药
    Table 1 The prevalence of disability of ADLs before and after hip fracture ADLs

    Number of


    Number of disability

    Prevalence of disability/%


    A week

    after fracture

, 百拇医药
    A week

    After fracture

    Getting up










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    *χ2 test, All 11 items of activity declined significantly a week after hip fracture, P<0.01, compared with pre=fracture.

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    表2 髋部骨折后各项日常生活功能的恢复时间及各阶段恢复率*

    Table 2 The recovery duration of ADLs and the recovery rates of ADLs at several time points after hip fracture ADLs
, 百拇医药


    Recovery rates/%



    3 rd


    6 th


    12 th


    18 th
, 百拇医药

    Getting up











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    *The subjects were those who lost their ADLs a week after hip fracture; t, average recove duration (method of Kaplan-Meier); # method of life table.
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    表3 髋部骨折后不同时点日常生活功能总恢复率及生活功能指数

    Table 3 The overall recovery rates of ADL at several time points after hip fracture and

    the ADL indexes at seveal time points after hip fracture Time point


    Number of


    Overall recovery rate/%

    ADL index
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    A week after fracture








    3 months after fracture

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    6 months after fracture






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    12 months after fracture








    18 months after fracture


, 百拇医药





    24 months after fracture






, 百拇医药

    *P<0.05 compared with pre-fracture; △ All, all 11 items of ADLs could be done by oneself; #Partial, 9 or 10 items of ADLs could be done by oneself.

    3 讨论


, 百拇医药

, 百拇医药

    1 Melton III LJ, Hip Fracture:A worldwide problem today and tomorrow. Bone, 1993,14(suppl):S1-S8

    2 Marottoli RA, Berkman LF, Leo-Summers L, et al. Predictors of mortality and institutionalization after hip fracture:The New Haven EPESE cohort. Am J Public Health, 1994,84(11):1807-1812

    3 Marottoli RA, Berkman LF, Cooney LM. Decline in physical function following hip fracture. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1992,40:861-866
, 百拇医药
    4 Magaziner J, Simonsick EM, Kashner TM, et al. Predictors of functional recovery one year following hospital discharge for hip fracture: A prospective study. J Gerontol, 1990,45:M101-107

    5 Jette AM, Haris BA, Cleary PD, et al. functional recovery after hip fracture. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 1987,68(10):735-740

    (1998-06-08收稿), http://www.100md.com