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http://www.100md.com 《中华儿科杂志》 1999年第1期
     作者:周平 吕枫林 姚咏明 王江 于燕

    单位:100081 北京,解放军第四六六医院儿科(周平、吕枫林、王江);解放军第三○四医院创伤外科中心(姚咏明,于燕)


    中华儿科杂志990104 【摘要】 目的 探讨T淋巴细胞亚群、白细胞介素10(IL-10) 、γ-干扰素(IFN-γ)在特发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)中的变化及其用地塞米松(DEX)治疗的影响。方法 采用DEX治疗ITP患

    儿,分别于治疗前后采取静脉血标本,应用改良碱性磷酸酶-抗碱性磷酸酶(APAAP)法及酶标记免疫吸附测定(ELISA)法分别检测T细胞亚群及血清IL-10、IFN-γ的含量。结果 ITP患儿DEX治疗前外周血降低,升高,/显著降低;DEX治疗后均降低,其中以降低尤为显著,但/明显高于治疗前。ITP患儿DEX治疗前血清IFN-γ显著升高,治疗后则降至正常水平,IFN-γ与外周血小板计数呈显著负相关,但与T淋巴细胞亚群无显著相关性。ITP患儿DEX治疗前血清IL-10显著降低,治疗后升高,ITP患儿血清IL-10与外周血血小板计数呈显著正相关,但与T淋巴细胞亚群无显著相关性。结论 ITP患儿T淋巴细胞亚群表达及比例失调,IFN-γ产生增多,IL-10产生减少,提示辅助T淋巴细胞亚型(Th1/Th2)功能异常。DEX治疗ITP能有效缓解病情。
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    Changes in T cell-mediated immunity in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ZHOU Ping*,LU Fenglin, YAO Yongming,et al. * Department of Pediatrics, The 466th Hospital of People's Liberation Army, Beijing 100081

    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the changes in T lymphocyte subsets, interleukin-10 (IL-10) and gamma interferon (IFN-γ) in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and the effect of dexamethasone (DEX) treatment. Methods The blood samples were collected in ITP patients prior and post DEX treatment. T lymphocyte subsets of peripheral blood were examined by using APAAP method, and serum IL-10, IFN-γ levels were measured by using ELISA assay. Additionally, 12 healthy volunteers served as normal controls.Results Compared to normal controls, these ITP patients showed an elevation in percentage of cells, but decrease in cells as well as ratio of / in peripheral blood. After DEX treatment, the expression of bothcells and cells was profoundly inhibited, especially for CD+8 cells, while the ratio of / was significantly increased. Serum levels of IFN-γ increased obviously in children with ITP and negatively correlated with platelet counts, but they were reduced by DEX. However, serum levels of IL-10, which were diminished in these patients and positively correlated with platelet counts, were increased after DEX treatment. Nevertheless, no marked correlation was found between IFN-γ or IL-10 levels and T lymphocyte subsets. Conclusion In ITP patients, abnormal distribution of T lymphocyte subsets and changes in serum IFN-γ, IL-10 levels may imply the dysfunction of Th1/Th2. Treatment with DEX has beneficial effect on ITP, which appears to be associated with the regulation of T lymphocyte subsets expression and cytokine production.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Purpura, thrombocytopenic, idiopathic T-lymphocyte subsets Interleukin-10 Gamma interferon




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    1.所有ITP患儿均以DEX 1 mg/(kg.d)静脉滴注,7天后逐渐减量,2周后改为泼尼松口服,DEX治疗前及治疗后14天各抽血1次。




, 百拇医药


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    ITP患儿DEX治疗前血清IFN-γ显著高于对照组,DEX治疗后则降至正常水平。而其血清IL-10水平,DEX治疗前显著低于对照组,治疗后则明显升高(表1) 。

    表1 ITP患儿治疗前后血清IFN-γ、IL-10及外周血T淋巴细胞亚群的变化(±s) 组别




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    27± 4





    1 819±569

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    20± 6


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, 百拇医药

    * P<0.01 ** P<0.05


    ITP患儿血清IFN-γ与外周血血小板计数呈显著负相关(r =-0.517,P<0.01),与T淋巴细胞亚群无显著相关关系。IL-10与外周血血小板计数呈显著正相关(r =0.418,P<0.05),与T淋巴细胞亚群无明显相关关系。


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    上述结果表明,ITP患儿存在T淋巴细胞免疫功能紊乱, IFN-γ产生增多,IL-10产生减少。其详细作用机制目前尚未明了,有待进一步探讨。
, 百拇医药

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, 百拇医药
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, 百拇医药
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    (收稿:1998-08-17 修回:1998-09-25), 百拇医药