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http://www.100md.com 《中华儿科杂志》 2000年第9期
     作者:江米足 周雪莲 欧弼悠 陈肖肖 吴秀英 王培鑫 陈洁 章许平

    单位:江米足(310003 杭州, 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院消化科);周雪莲(310003 杭州, 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院消化科);欧弼悠(310003 杭州, 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院消化科);陈肖肖(310003 杭州, 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院消化科);吴秀英(310003 杭州, 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院消化科);王培鑫(310003 杭州, 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院消化科)


    中华儿科杂志000904 【摘要】 目的 了解胃酸抑制与小儿消化性溃疡愈合的关系,寻求最适抑酸度。方法 将消化性溃疡患儿27例随机分成两组,分别用雷尼替丁(A组)和奥美拉唑(B组)口服治疗4~6周(平均5周),监测治疗前和给药第1天、第1及5周时的胃pH变化,并复查胃镜,评价溃疡愈合情况。结果A组16例中6例未愈合,10例愈合,B组11例全部愈合。抗酸治疗后两组患儿胃pH值均升高,A组胃pH平均值、pH平均中位数及pH>3时间百分比在给药第1和5周均比第1天降低,药效维持时间也缩短,差异有显著性。B组胃pH平均值、pH平均中位数在给药第1和5周均比第1天增加,药效维持时间也延长,差异有显著性。A组治愈者在给药第5周时胃pH平均值、pH平均中位数、pH>3时间百分比、药效维持时间均大于未治愈者,差异有显著性。A组未治愈者在治疗过程中抑酸效能逐渐下降,差异有显著性。结论 雷尼替丁产生的耐受性会影响溃疡的愈合。在4、5周的抗酸治疗中每天给药后能使胃pH维持在3以上持续5~10 h是治疗小儿消化性溃疡的最适抑酸度。
, 百拇医药
    Optimal suppression of gastric acid and ulcer healing in children with peptic ulcer

    JIANG Mizu,ZHOU Xuelian,OU Biyou

    (Department of Gastroenterology, Children's Hospital, Zhejiang University College of Medicine, Hangzhou 310003, China)

    【Abstract】 Objective It is well known that the suppression of gastric acidity is one of the most essential factors in promoting healing and preventing relapse of peptic ulcers. Little is known, however, about how to inhibit gastric acid secretion effectively in children with peptic ulcers. The present study aimed at understanding the optimal acid suppression by examining the relationship between ulcer healing and the suppression of gastric acid in children. Methods Patients with peptic ulcers diagnosed by endoscopy were randomized to receive either oral ranitidine (group A) or oral omeprazole (group B) for 4-6 weeks (mean 5 weeks). Intragastric 24-hour pH monitoring was performed before treatment, and repeated three times: on day 1, weeks 1 and 5 post-dosing. Endoscopy was repeated on week 5 to evaluate the healing condition of ulcers. Results Twenty-seven patients followed up by endoscopy and pH monitoring were eligible for final analysis. The ulcers in 16 patients of group A and in all (11 cases) of group B were healed. No significant differences in the gastric mean pH, median pH and percentage of time with gastric pH>3 between the two groups were observed before treatment. Gastric pH increased significantly after treatment in both groups. These parameters in group A decreased significantly during weeks 1 and 5 as compared to those on day 1 post-dosing; the duration of drug action was also shortened significantly. The gastric mean pH and mean median pH in group B were significantly higher during weeks 1 and 5 than on day 1 of post-dosing, the duration of drug action was also prolonged significantly. According to the result of endoscopic re-examination, the authors subdivided group A into unhealed (group C) and healed (group D) groups. The gastric acid suppressive effect in group C attenuated significantly by the end of the 5-week treatment and the differences of gastric mean pH and median pH, percentage of time with pH>3 between week 5 and pre- treatment level were not significant. While these parameters in group D were still significantly higher during week 5 than those obtained before treatment. The gastric mean pH and median pH, percentage of time with pH>3 and the duration of drug action during week 5 were significantly higher in group D than in group C. The mean shortest duration of drug action in group B was 10 h, while it was 5 h in group D. Conclusions The onset of tolerance to ranitidine during the therapy might have affected healing of ulcers in the subjects. The optimal acid suppression for healing ulcers in children could be regarded as maintaining the gastric pH>3 for 5-10 hours a day of post-dosing during 4-6 weeks of anti-secretory treatment.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Peptic ulcer; Hydrogen-ion concentration; Ranitidine; Omeprazole; Drug tolerance




    经本院胃镜检查确诊为消化性溃疡的患儿27例,随机采用雷尼替丁(A组)或奥美拉唑(B组)口服治疗4~6周(平均5周),监测治疗前和给药第1天、第1及5周时的胃pH动态变化,并复查胃镜,按Sakita分类法[3]评价溃疡愈合情况。共有27例患儿完成了本项研究,A组16例, B组11例(分别有3和2例患儿在给药第1周时未作胃pH复查)。两组患儿具有可比性,其临床资料及疗效见表1。根据疗效把A组分成未愈合组(C组)和愈合组(D组)。
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    1.抑酸治疗:雷尼替丁胶囊,剂量3~7[平均5 mg/(kg.d)],每天晚间1次口服;奥美拉唑胶囊,剂量0.3~0.8[平均0.5 mg/(kg.d)],每天早晨空腹1次口服。

    2.抗Hp治疗:Hp感染者同时服用羟氨苄青霉素胶囊,30~50 mg/(kg.d),分3次给药,连服14 d 及甲硝唑片剂,20~30 mg/(kg.d),分3次给药,连服10 d。

    3.胃pH动态监测:用便携式pH自动记录仪(Digitrapper MKⅢ型, Medtronics Inc.)监测胃pH值动态变化,具体方法参照参考文献[4]。

, 百拇医药



    如表2所示, 治疗前胃pH平均值、pH平均中位数及pH>3时间百分比在两组之间的差异无显著性; B组胃pH平均值在给药第1天时低于A组, 但在给药第1和5周时均大于A组, 差异有显著性; B组胃pH平均中位数及pH>3时间百分比在给药第1和5周均大于A组, 差异有显著性; B组药效维持时间在给药第1天、第1和5周均大于A组, 差异有显著性。经抗酸治疗后,A、B两组胃pH值均升高,差异有显著性;但A组胃pH平均值、pH平均中位数及pH>3时间百分比在给药第1和5周均比第1天降低,药效维持时间也缩短,差异有显著性;B组胃pH平均值、pH平均中位数在给药第1和5周均比第1天增加,药效维持时间也延长,差异有显著性。
, 百拇医药
    表1 雷尼替丁组(A)奥美拉唑组(B)患儿临床资料及疗效 组别






    Hp 清除






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    注:S1:红色疤痕期;?S2:白色疤痕期表2 不同治疗时间雷尼替丁组(A)和奥美拉唑组(B)胃pH监测指标的变化(±s) 时间



    pH>3 时间百分比(%)



, 百拇医药     B组













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, 百拇医药


    注:①A组n=16,B组n=11,其中给药第1周A、B组分别有3和2例未复查;②同一阶段两组比较:.P<0.05,..P<0.01;③同组不同阶段比较: P<0.01表3 不同治疗时间雷尼替丁组未愈合者(C组)与愈合者(D组)胃pH监测指标的变化(±s) 时间



    pH>3 时间百分比(%)
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, 百拇医药     治疗前












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, 百拇医药     6.21△△


    注:①C组n=6,D组n=10,其中给药第1周C、D组分别有1和2例未复查;②同一阶段两组比较:.P<0.01,..P<0.05;③同组不同阶段比较: P<0.01,△△P<0.05 二、C与D组治疗前后胃pH监测指标比较


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, 百拇医药

    抑酸剂在治疗过程中如对胃酸的抑制作用减弱,即产生了耐受性。药物耐受性是指连续用药后必须增加药物剂量才能保持药效不减的特性。有关雷尼替丁产生耐受性的报道较多,而尚未见有关奥美拉唑产生耐受性的报告[7,8]。我们也曾发现,当口服雷尼替丁治疗小儿消化性溃疡时在疗程第1周即产生了耐受性,至第4周其耐受性增加[9]。耐受性的产生机制尚不清楚,可能与口服雷尼替丁后血浆胃泌素浓度升高,促进壁细胞分泌更多的胃酸有关,如不增加剂量,其抑制胃酸分泌的作用逐渐减弱[8]。C组第5周时的胃酸抑制程度和药效持续时间显著低于第1天,D组则与第1天之间的差异无显著性。而C、D两组的药物剂量分别为(5.2±1.2) mg/(kg.d)和(5.2±1.4) mg/(kg.d),差异无显著性,表明C组溃疡未愈合的原因可能与雷尼替丁产生的耐受性有关。
, 百拇医药

    胃酸的抑制是治愈消化性溃疡的重要环节,但抑制胃酸也要适度。尽管本组经奥美拉唑治疗的患儿在4、5周的疗程中未产生明显的副作用,但长期的过度抑酸对患儿的不良影响不容忽视。何为最适抑酸度、如何达到最适抑酸度,目前儿科尚未定论。Burget等[1]报道胃酸的抑制程度与十二指肠溃疡的愈合率密切相关, 每天维持胃pH在3以上达13 h,经8周治疗可使溃疡的愈合率达到100%。Howden等[10]认为4周疗程内每天使胃pH达3以上持续18~20 h是治疗十二指肠溃疡的最适抑酸度。本研究显示,B组每天给药后胃pH维持在3以上达9.9 h,经平均5周治疗使溃疡全部愈合。而D组至疗程第5周时药效维持时间仍达5.1 h。因此,我们认为在4、5周的抗酸治疗中每天给药后能使胃pH维持在3以上持续5~10 h是治疗小儿消化性溃疡的最适抑酸度。

, http://www.100md.com
    作者单位:陈洁(310003 杭州, 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院消化科)

    章许平(310003 杭州, 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院消化科)


    1,Burget DW, Chiverton SG, Hunt RH. Is there an optimal degree of acid suppression for healing of duodenal ulcers? Gastroenterology, 1990,99:345-351.

    2,Hunt RH, Cederberg C, Dent J, et al. Optimizing acid suppression for treatment of acid-related diseases. Dig Dis Sci, 1995,40:24S-49S.
, 百拇医药
    3,Mosci AS, Maletta CA, Castro FJ, et al. Relationship between Sakita endoscopic stage and duration of treatment for duodenal ulcer healing. Braz J Med Biol Res, 1989,22:1219-1223.

    4,江米足,欧弼悠,陈肖肖,等. 消化性溃疡患儿24小时胃pH值的动态研究. 中华儿科杂志, 1999,37:24-27.

    5,Yamashiro Y, Shioya T, Ohtsuka Y, et al. Patterns of 24 h intragastric acidity in duodenal ulcers in children: the importance of monitoring and inhibiting nocturnal acidity. Acta Paediatrica Japonica, 1995,37:557-561.
, http://www.100md.com
    6,Pounder RE. Degrees of acid suppression and ulcer healing: dosage condsiderations. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 1991, 5 Suppl 1:5-13.

    7,Labenz J, Peitz U, Leusing C, et al. Efficacy of primed infusions with high dose ranitidine and omeprazole to maintain high intragastric pH in patients with peptic ulcer bleeding: a prospective randomised controlled study. Gut, 1997,40:36-41.

    8,Hurlimann S, Abbuhl B, Inauen W, et al. Comparison of acid inhibition by either oral high-dose ranitidine or omeprazole. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 1994, 8:193-201.

    9,江米足,欧弼悠,陈肖肖,等. 口服雷尼替丁治疗小儿消化性溃疡时的耐受性研究. 中国实用儿科杂志, 1998,13:363-364.

    10,Howden CW, Burget DW, Hunt RH. Appropriate acid suppression for optimal healing of duodenal ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Scand J Gastroenterol, 1994, 201Suppl:79-82.

    (收稿日期:1999-12-24), 百拇医药