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http://www.100md.com 《航天医学与医学工程》 1999年第6期
     作者:秦世贞 俞启福 马贵喜 郝唯蔚 李鸣皋 赵红



    航天医学与医学工程990602摘要:目的 探讨高温、噪声环境中飞行对飞行员红细胞膜ATP酶活性的影响。方法 轰六飞行员24名为实验组,普通地面人员21名为对照组。作多靶场轰炸飞行,舱内温度45~53℃,噪声97~122dB(A)。飞行时间3h,于飞行前(6:00a.m.)、飞行后即刻(12:00a.m.)、8h(8:00p.m.)采血。对照组采血日行室内作业(27℃)。用比色法测定红细胞膜Na+-K+ATP酶、Ca2+-Mg2+ATP酶活性。结果实验组和对照组的Na+-K+ATP酶及Ca2+-Mg2+ATP酶日间(6:00a.m.,12:00a.m.,8:00p. m.)变化曲线基本一致并均在正常范围内;实验组清晨红细胞膜Na+-K+ATP酶活性明显高于对照组;实验组飞行后即刻红细胞膜Na+-K+ATP酶活性明显高于飞行后8h,飞行后即刻及8hCa2+-Mg2+ATP酶活性明显高于同一时间对照组。结论 长时间高温、噪声刺激可引起ATP的过度消耗,严重时造成红细胞内Ca2+超载,红细胞膜僵硬,甚至红细胞凋亡。
, 百拇医药
    中图分类号:R852.21,R852.24 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-0837(1999)06-0397-04

    Effects of High Temperature and Noise on Erythrocyte

    Me mbrane ATPase Activity in Pilots During Flight

    QIN Shi-zhen,YU Qi-fu,MA Gui-xi, HAO Wei-wei, LI ming-gao , ZHAO Hong

    (Naval General Hospital,Beijing 100037,China)

    Abstract: Objective To determine the effect of heat and noise on erythrocyte memb rane ATPase activities in pilots during flying. Method Twenty- four pilots per forming bombing for 3h (45~53℃, 122~97dB in the cabin) served as the su bjects . 21 ground personnel served as control (27℃ in the room). Blood samples were t aken from both groups before flying (6:00 a.m), and immediately (12:00 a.m.) and 8h (8:00 p.m.) after flying. Na+-K+ATPase, and Ca2+-Mg2+ATPase activities in erythrocyte membran e were determined with colorimetry. Result The Na+-K+ATPase activity in eryth rocyte membrane at 6:00 a.m.in pilots was higher than that in control group at the s ame time (P<0.01). The Ca2+-Mg2+ATPase activities in erythrocyte membrane at 12:00 a .m. and 8:00 p.m. in pilots were significantly higher, compared with those in co ntrol group at the same time (P<0.01). Conclusion The ATPase values obtained in our study were all within normal range, and the daytim e variation of both groups are the same. Exposure of human body to heat and noi se for long time may be harmful, the higher ATPase activity is, the more catabol ism of ATP will be. ATP exhaustion will lead to Ca2+ overload in erythrocy te thus stiffen the red cell membrane.
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    Key words:high temperature;noise environments;pilots;erythrocyte mem brance;ATPase

    Heat and noise are very important factors for pilots during flight in hot su mmer . Blood circulation,heart rate and energy expenditure in pilots would be speeded up by the effect of heat and noise, and then it would influence ion balance and hence physiological function of the human body. The purpose of our study is to

    determine the effect of heat and noise on erythrocyte membrane ATPase activity i n pilots during flying.
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    Twenty-four healthy pilots aged 24~39 yr, with accumulated flying time of 252 ~2 110 h (means 1040 h), served as test subjects. 21 healthy ground personnel aged 2 5~35 yr served as control. The test group performed “bombing" for 3 h(9:00 a, m.-12:00 a.m.), at an altitude of 800~1200 m, the temperature at the runway and in the cabin w er e 42℃and 45~53℃ respectively,and the noise intensity in the cabin was 97~122 dB (A) in the test day. The control group worked in the room (27℃) in the same day .
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    Blood samples were taken from both groups before flying(6:00 a.m.,fasting) and immed iately(12:00 a.m.,fasting) and 8 h(8:00 p.m.) after flying. The samples were a nticoagulated with hyparin,and the plasma in every sample was discarded. The remainder was di luted with normal saline(4℃) and then centrifuged at 3000 rpm,10 min.The uppe r p ortion of the liquid(leucocyte, thrombocyte, etc.) was discarded. This procedu re was repeated for three times. The remainder was erythrocyte sediment after ab ove-mentioned treatment, then 10 mmol/Tris-HCl solution was added to this eryth ro cyte sediment and centrifuged at 3000 rpm,30 min, 4℃. This procedure was repeat ed for three times again. The final sediment was erythrocyte membrane[1] .
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    Na+-K+ ATPase and Ca2+-Mg2+ ATPase activities were determined at once with colo rimetry using kits supplied by Nan Jing Jiancheng Bioengineering Institute, and following the direction strictly. Protein in the samples were determined with Lo wry's method.

    Results are presented as means±SD.Statistical analysis was carried out using St udent's paried t-test,and significance was P<0.05.

, 百拇医药     Result

    Effect of high temperature and noise on Na+-K+ATPase activity in erythro cyte membran e The daytime (6:00 a.m,12:00 a.m,8:00 p.m) variations of erythrocyte mem brane Na+-K+ATPase ac tivities in test group and control group were the same.The activities at noon a nd evening were higher than those in the morning(P<0.05 or 0.01) in both groups. Th e activity at 6:00 a.m. in the test group was higher than that in the control gr oup a t the same time(P<0.01). The activity at 8 h after flying (8:00 p.m.) obviously decreased as compared with that at 12:00 a.m. in the test group, the d iffer ence was significant(P<0.01).There was no significant difference between those at 12:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. in the control group(P> 0.05). The values of both groups at the above times were given in Tab.1.
, 百拇医药
    Table 1 The effect of high temperature and noise on Na+-K+ATPase activ ity in

    erythrocyte membrane(±s,μmol pi.mg.prol-1.h-1)

    before flying

    immediately after flying

    8 h after flying

, 百拇医药
    (6:00 a.m.)

    (12:00 a.m.)

    (8:00 p.m.)



    0 .488±0.290*




    0.552±0.102 #
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    *P<0.05,significant as compared with the value of control group 6:00a.m.;#P<0.05,significant as compared with the value of test group 6:00 a .m.;&P<0.05,significant as compared with the value of test group 12:00 a.m.

    Effect of high temperature and noise on Ca2+-Mg2+ATPase activity in erythroc yte membrane The daytime variation of Ca2+-Mg2+ATPase activ ities in erythrocyte membrane in both groups were the same. The value at 12:00 a .m. was h igher han those at 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.(P<0.05 or 0.01) in bo th groups. The activities at 12:00 a.m. and 8:00p.m.in test grou p were higher than those in the control group at the same times(P<0.05 or 0.01). There was no significant difference between test group and control group at 6a. m.(P>0.05). The values of both groups in the above times were gi ven in Tab.2.
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    Table 2 The effect of high temperature and noise on Ca2+-Mg2+ ATPase activity in

    erythrocyte membrane(±s,μmol pi.mg.prol-1.h-1)

    before flying

    immediately after flying

    8h after flying

, 百拇医药
    (6:00 a.m.)

    (12:00 a.m.)

    (8:00 p.m.)







    0.727±0.18 7*
, 百拇医药

    *P<0.05,significant as compared with the value of control group 12: 00a.m.;#P<0.05,significant as compared with the value of test group 12:00 a.m.;$P<0.05,significant as compared with the value of control group 8:00 p.m.Discussion

    Erythrocyte membrane plays an important role in maintaining normal shape of the cell and linking up molecules transportation inside and outside the cell. Er ythrocyte produces ATP continuously by anoxic ferment of glucose, which keeps up the normal metabolism and function of the red cell. As was known, there are thr ee kinds of ATPases in red cell membrane, they are Na+-K+ ATPase, Ca2+ -Mg2+ ATPase and Mg2+ ATPase. The normal values of Na+-K+ ATPase and Ca2+-Mg2+ ATPase in human erythrocyte membrane are 0.24~0.5 μ m ol pi. mg prot-1.h-1 and 0.4~2.5 μmol pi .mg prot-1.h-1 respectively[2].The ATPase values obtained in our study were all with in above-mentioned normal range, and the daytime variation of both test and con trol groups are the same. It suggested that such kind of temperature and noise i ntensity had no obvious effect on daytime variation rhythm of A TPase.
, 百拇医药
    The principal cation in plasma is Na+,the transmembrane gradient is abo ut 1 5:1. The transmembrane gradient for the principal cation in red cell cytoplasm, K+,is about 1:25[3]. Energy for exchanging Na+ inside the cell for K+ outside is supplied by ATP, which is activated by Na+-K+ ATPase in the inner membrane of the cell. Normal red cell contains low level of calcium, averaging 16 μmol/l. About 80% of it is in the membrane, where it is berieved to assist i n the crosslinking of skeletal proteins[4]. The inward leak of Ca2+ is opposed through an active extrusion by an ATP-driven Ca2+-Mg2+ ATPase pump.
, 百拇医药
    The Na+-K+ATPase activity in the erythrocyte membrane at 6:00 a.m in the test gr oup was higher than that in control group at the sams time. It suggests that whe ther the basic Na+-K+ATPase activity in erythrocyte membrane in the pilots i s hi gher than that in the ground personnel needs further investigation. The Na +- K+ATPase activity in erythrocyte membrane immediately after flying was higher th an that at 8 h after flying in test group, and Ca2+-Mg2+ATPas activ ities in eryth rocyte membrane immediately and 8 h after flying in test group were higher than t hose in the control group at the same times. It might suggest that the energy e xpendi ture in pilots is much more than that in the ground personnel, because the work load of pilots in heat and noise environmemt is heavier than that of ground pers onnel. The higher ATPase activity,the more ATP hydrolysis will be needed to supply more energy.
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    The pilots are also influenced by shake,radiation and so on besides heat and noise during flying. The results of this study showed no difference with our ea rlier work[5], so the changes of ATPase activities in erythrocyte membr ane were caused mainly by the effect of heat and noise.

    The real mechanism of ATPase activity increase in erythrocyte membrane in pi lots after flying in heat and noise environmemt is not very clear. It might be d ue to activation of the sympathetic nerve,increase of adrenaline and catecholam ine,rapid catabolism of 5-HT,and excitement of hypothalamus-pituitary-thyro id axis by increased catecholamine,causing increaed release of thyroxine,then inc rease of ATPase activity by increased thyroxine[6].
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    So, it will be harmful for human body to expose to heat and noise for long- te rm,because the results of our study showed that the ATPase activity increased b y effect of heat and noise. Long term ATP deficiency might bring about failure o f ATP-driven pumps, especially the Ca2+ pump. The energy expended for pum ping Na + out and K+ in would increase Na+ and decrease K+ inside the cell. Go a s tep further, it would lead to an elevation of intracellular Ca2+ concentr ation.On th e other hand, The intracellular Ca2+ level is determined partly by the amo unt of available ATP,which competes with the membrane for Ca2+ binding. When AT P is d epleted,free Ca2+ accumulates and redistributes[3].It would caus e Ca2+ overload in the cell which would damage the erythrocytes,and could account for several phenomena of erythrocyte aging[7].Red cell membrane is exquisitely se nsitive t o Ca2+.Even a slight increase in membrane Ca2+ would fatally stiffe n the red cell membrane[8] and would sharply impair the deformability of the cell.
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    [1]徐淑云主编.药理实验方法学[M].第一版.北京:人民卫生出版社,1991:4 99~501

    [2]李家增、王鸿利、韩忠朝主编.血液实验学[M].第1版.上海.上海科学技 术出版社,1997:174

    [3]James H.J Blood Textbook of Hematology[M].Boston-Toro nto:Little,Brown and Company,1987:59~60

    [4]James HJ.Blood Textbook of Hematology[M].Boston-Toronto:Li ttle,Brown and Company,1987:65~66

    [5]秦世贞,俞启福,李庆棣等.高温、噪声 及其复合因素对大鼠心肌线粒体三磷酸腺苷酶活性的影响[J].中华航空医学杂志,1995,6(3):162~165
, 百拇医药
    [6]杨红,席锦.脑室注射5~HT对应激后胃粘膜中ATP酶活性、ATP及ADP含量的 影响[J].生理学报, 1988,40(1):84~90

    [7]Grinwald PE,Brosnahan C.Sodium imbalance as acause of calcium ove rload in past hypoxic reoxygenation injury[J].J Mol Cell Cardiol,1987, 19:487 ~495

    [8]Harris JR. Blood Cell Biochemistry.Volume 1:Erythroid Cells[M]. New York and London:North East Thames Regional Transfusion Center,Brentwood Essex,England,1990:66~67

    Received date:1999-04-20, http://www.100md.com