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http://www.100md.com 《华西口腔医学杂志》 1999年第3期
     作者:赖文莉 卢书源 黄 宁 赵美英



    Frnkel矫治器治疗早期骨性Frimage76.gif (854 bytes)nkel矫治器治疗早期骨性Ⅱ类错的八因素初步分析

    摘要 目的:探讨安氏Ⅱ类1分类骨性错经FR-Ⅰ、Ⅱ型矫治器治疗前后八因素变化。方法:对17例安氏Ⅱ类1分类骨性错患者经FR-Ⅰ、Ⅱ型矫治器治疗前后进行X线头影测量,分析对比治疗前后八因素的改变。结果:FR矫治器可促进髁突的前下生长,均使下颌体、下颌支增长,颅底角减小以及上颌骨向前旋转,有利于Ⅱ类错的矫治,但该矫治器不能很好地控制上颌骨的矢状向和垂直向的生长发育,以及后部齿槽高度的生长。结论:FR矫治器最适于治疗上颌发育基本正常而下颌发育不足的Ⅱ类患者,不宜用于上颌发育过度和垂直生长型的患者。
, 百拇医药
    An Eight-factor Analysis of Early Skeletal Class Ⅱ Malocclusion Using Frimage76.gif (854 bytes)nkel Appliance

    Lai Wenli, Huang Ning, Zhao Meiying

    College of Stomatology, West China University of Medical Sciences

    Lu Shuyuan

    Stomatology Hospital of Heilongjiang
, 百拇医药
    Abstract Objective: To investigate the change of eight-factor after Frimage76.gif (854 bytes)nkel appliance treatment in skeletal class Ⅱ malocclusions. Methods: X-ray cephalometric film. Results: Frimage76.gif (854 bytes)nkel appliance can be used to enhance the growth of ramus (Factor 2) and body (Factor 1) of the mandible, decrease the angle of cranial base (Factor 8) and made the maxilla rotate (Factor 4) anteriorly, which were benifit to the treatment of class Ⅱ malocclusion. However, neither the vertical (Factor 5) and sagittal (Factor 3) growth of maxilla nor the height of posterior alveolar bone (Factor 6) can be inhibited by use of Frimage76.gif (854 bytes)nkel appliance. Conclusion: Frimage76.gif (854 bytes)nkel appliance is suitable to the treatment of class Ⅱ patients with deficient mandible and almost normal maxilla, while Frimage76.gif (854 bytes)nkel appliance would rather not be used for patients with overgrown maxilla or vertical growth pattern.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Frimage76.gif (854 bytes)nkel appliance eight-factor remodeling

    骨性错是颌骨关系异常的错,国内外已有学者[1,2]将形成骨性错的生长因素归为八类(简称八因素)。即:①下颌骨前后向生长发育,②下颌骨的垂直向生长发育和下颌角角度,③上颌骨的前后向生长发育,④上颌骨的倾斜,⑤上颌骨垂直向生长发育,⑥后部齿槽突的生长发育,⑦前颅底的长度,⑧颅底角的角度。这八因素在骨性畸形的形成过程中各有其作用,通过矫治器有效控制这些因素可使矫治达到理想的效果。Frimage76.gif (854 bytes)nkel矫治器(以下简称FR矫治器)是矫治骨性Ⅱ类错常用的功能矫治器,临床效果良好,但是FR矫治器是如何影响八因素以及八因素之间相互关系如何,目前国内尚未见报道。本研究的目的是通过治疗前后头侧位片的分析对比,探讨FR矫治器对八因素的作用,从而探讨FR矫治器的作用机理。

    1 材料和方法

    1.1 病例收集

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