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http://www.100md.com 《肝脏》 2000年第1期
     作者:张俊 赵西平 王宝菊 杨燕 李方和 杨东亮

    单位:430030 武汉同济医科大学同济医院临床免疫研究室


    肝脏000106摘 要:目的探讨斑点杂交法在检测肝病患者TT病毒(TTV)感染状况中的应用价值。方法提抽患者血清中DNA,分别采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)及斑点杂交技术检测其中的TTV病毒DNA。结果在30份非甲~非戊型肝炎患者血清中,PCR方法检出11份为TTV阳性,检出率为36.7%。采用斑点杂交法检出3份阳性血清,阳性率为10%。制备的探针具有TTV特异性,可检出相当于106拷贝的病毒DNA。结论以地高辛标记的TTV探针用于斑点杂交可以检出血清病毒滴度较高的TTV,其敏感度低于PCR方法。 Detection of TTV DNA in sera of patients with non A~E hepatitis by dot blot hybridization

    ZHANG Jun,ZHAO Xi-ping,WANG Baoju,et al.

    (Research Unit of Clinical Immunology,Tongji Hospital,Tongji Medical University,Wuhan 430030)

    Abstract:Objective To explore the possibility of using dot-blot hybridization in the detection of TTV virus infection.Methods Nuclear acid was extracted from serum specimens of patients with non A~E hepatitis,PCR and dot-blot hybridiza-tion were carried out respectively to detect TTV DNA.Results Of 30 sera specimens,11 were found positive by PCR,3 were found positive by dot-blot hybridization.The probe prepared was demonstrated to be TTV-specific,and the sensitivity was de-termined to be capable of detecting 106 copies of viral DNA.Conclusion Dot-blot hybridization with DIG-labelled TTV DNA probe can be employed to detect TTV DNA in sera samples containing relatively high titer virus,with a sensitivity lower than that of PCR.

    Keywords:TTV;Dot-blot hybridization;PCR


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    收稿日期:1999-08-12, 百拇医药