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http://www.100md.com 《中国肺癌杂志》 2000年第3期
     作者:王思愚 吴一龙 区伟 杨学宁 余辉

    单位:王思愚 吴一龙 区伟 杨学宁 余辉(510060 广州,中山医科大学肺癌研究中心)


    中国肺癌杂志000309 【摘要】 目的 探讨老年肺癌患者行全肺切除的可行性和预后。方法 自1985~1995年,我们对23例65岁以上非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者行全肺切除,选择同期小于65岁行全肺切除的99例NSCLC患者作为对照,比较两组病例5年生存率、手术并发症和死亡率、手术前后肺功能的改变。生存率分析采用Kaplan-Meier法。结果 老年组5年生存率与对照组相似(27.56%比30.51%,P>0.05),但手术并发症和死亡率明显高于对照组(13.04%比2.02%,P<0.05)。结论 全肺切除术对老年NSCLC患者仍然合适,但因手术合并症和死亡率较高,故应认真选择手术适应证。
, 百拇医药
    Survival and prognosis after pneumonectomy for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in the elderly

    WANG Siyu, WU Yilong, OU Wei, YANG Xuening, YU Hui. Lung Cancer Research Center, Sun Yet-sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510060, P.R.China

    【Abstract】 Objective To study the probability and prognosis after pneumonectomy for NSCLC in the elderly. Methods From 1985 to 1995, pneumonectomy was performed in 122 patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Of the 122 patients, 23 cases were 65 years old or older (study group) and the other 99 cases were less than 65 years old. Five-year survival, operative complications and mortality, and change of lung functions before and after operation were compared between the two groups. Kaplan-meier method was used to analyzed the survival.Results The 5-year survival for the study group was similar to that for the control group (27.56% vs 30.51%, P>0.05), but the mortality in the study group was significantly higher than that in the control group (13.04% vs 2.02%,P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the pre-operative and post-operative lung function for both groups.Conclusion Pneumonectomy in elderly patients with NSCLC appears to be applicable. However, it shoud be performed only in carefully selected patients because of the increased operative risk and death.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Lung neoplasms/surgery Pneumonectomy Survival analysis Elderly

    近20年来原发性肺癌的发病率以高达111.8%的速度不断增长,而随着人们平均寿命的提高,老年肺癌的患者越来越多。对于非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer, NSCLC),外科治疗被认为是根治的唯一希望,肺叶或全肺切除为标准术式。对于老年患者,外科医师多选择肺叶切除术,但由于病情需要全肺切除术往往是不能缺少的术式。从1985~1995年,我们对23例65岁以上的NSCLC患者行全肺切除,并选择同期小于65岁行全肺切除的NSCLC患者作为对照,探讨老年患者行全肺切除的可行性和预后。

    1 材料与方法

    1.1 基本资料 纳入本观察的NSCLC病例共122例,其中男109例,女13例,年龄范围30~75岁,中位年龄60岁,术前KPS≥70分,预计生存期超过6个月。按1997年UICC修订的肺癌国际分期,所有病例术前均行胸正侧位+肺门、肿块断层照片,胸部+颅脑CT检查,腹部B超检查,确定术前分期为Ⅰ~Ⅲ期。两组病例一般资料见表1,各项目中两组比较均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。术前评价发现有合并症者共30例(表2),两组间合并症无显著性差异(P值均>0.05)。术前评价心肺功能,包括肺功能和动脉血气分析及心电图(部分患者行心功能及核素灌注肺功能检查),估计肿瘤可完全切除,且心肺功能可耐受全肺切除。
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    1.2 方法 全部患者行根治性全肺切除,随访截止时间为1999年12月31日,随访率为95.08%。对每一病例均进行肿瘤位置、病理类型、PTNM分期、辅助治疗、肺功能、动脉血气分析、手术并发症、生存时间等8项指标的观察和评价。数据采用平均值±标准误,用SAS统计软件包进行统计分析。采用χ2或t检验,生存率分析用Kaplan-Meier法,并用Cox-Mantel法进行统计学评价,α值定为0.05。

    2 结果

    2.1 生存率比较 按患者病理分期、肿瘤部位及辅助治疗等比较两组病例的5年生存率(表3),其结果提示两组间没有显著性差别(P>0.05),但同组病例中患者的生存率与分期、肿瘤部位(中央型或外周型)相关(P<0.05)。为探讨外周型患者生存率较低的原因,我们进一步分析两组病例的临床特点,发现外周型中腺癌和N2患者所占的比例显著高于中央型(表4)。
, 百拇医药
    2.2 术前后肺功能比较 研究组中动脉血氧饱和度术前后比较无显著性差异。研究组的术后PaO2、FVC和FEV1分别为(79.8±1.9)?mmHg、(1.86±0.2)?L和(1.29±0.11)?L,而对照组分别为(80.5±3.0)?mmHg、(1.84±0.3)?L和(1.36±0.1)?L,两组各参数与术前的相比均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    2.3 手术并发症比较 研究组与对照组术后肺炎发生率相比有显著性差别(26.09%比8.08%,P<0.05),仅对照组术后出现1例支气管残端瘘。研究组中有2例患者死于心衰,1例死于严重肺感染,而对照组中有1例患者死于急性心机梗塞,1例死于急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS),两组病例的手术死亡率分别为13.04%与2.02%(P<0.05)。

    表1 两组病例基本特征比较

    Tab 1 General characteristics of patients in the two group Variable
, 百拇医药
    Study group


    Control group





    Postoperative stage




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    Histologic type

    Squamous cell



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    Large cell









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    Pulmonary function







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    Karnofsky score



    Adjuvant treatment


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    :Contained preoperative or postoperative treatment表2 两组患者术前合并症比较
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    Tab 2 Comparison of combined diseases before operation between the two groups Groups

    No.of cases



    Angina pectoris


    Cardiac arythm

    No. of cases

    No. of cases

    No. of cases
, 百拇医药
    No. of cases

    No. of cases










, 百拇医药




    表3 两组病例生存率的比较

    Tab 3 Comparison of 5-year survival rate between the two groups Factors

    Study group

    Control group


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    Adjuvant treatment





, 百拇医药

    Note:Comparison between the two groups, P>0.05. In each group, patients with central type of NSCLC had signficantly higher 5-year survival rate than those with peripheral type (P<0.05)表4 中央型与外周型患者临床特征比较

    Tab 4 Comparison of clinical features between

    central and peripheral type of lung cancer Features

    Tumor location

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    Histologic type









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    3 讨论

, 百拇医药


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    3,Ginsberg RJ, Hill LD, Eagan RT, et al. Modern thirty-day operative mortality for surgical resections in lung cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,1983,86(5)∶654-658.
, 百拇医药
    4,Vokes EE, Weichselbaum RR. Concomitant chemotherapy: Rationale and clinical experiences in patients with solid tumors. J Clin Oncol,1990,8(5)∶911-934.

    5,PORT Meta-analysis Trialist Group: Postoperative radiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patients data from non-randomised controlled trials. Lancet,1998,352(2)∶257-263.

    (收稿:2000-01-06 修回:2000-02-25), 百拇医药