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http://www.100md.com 2001年1月1日 《中国针灸》 2001年第1期
     (辽宁中医学院,沈阳110032 )

    [摘 要] 综合《灵枢》有关经脉的论述,结合笔者针灸临床体会,设想人体经脉似附着于一定组织上 的 功能带,并对这个假说进行了推理分析,最终得出结论:经脉不是独立的系统及组织,不是 单一组织的功能体现,而是借助于"筋膜"类组织,产生特殊物质,具有多种功能的调节体 系。并对今后经络实质的研究提出了想法。

    [主题词] 经脉;筋膜;经络实质

    Channels May be Functional Zones Adhering to Certain Tissues

    Zheng Liyan(Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shenyang 110032)

    [Abstract] The arthor sy n thesizes the discussion of relative chan nels in "Miraculous Pivol" and combines own clinical experience of acupuncture a nd moxibustion,advancing a hypothesis,i, e.human channels may be functional zones adhering to a certain tissue,and infere nces and analyzes the hypothesis,and giv es the conclusion:Channels are not an in dependent system and tissue,and are not functional reflection of single tissue,a nd channels can produce special substanc e by means of the tissue similar to "fas cia",and are a regulatory system with va rious function.

    [Key words] Channels;Fas cia;Meridian Essence

    笔者在多年从事针灸临床、经络文献及实验研究中,认识到经脉似附着 于一定组织的功能带,对这个假说解释如下 ......

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