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http://www.100md.com 2010年10月1日 张世伟,卢立新,高 仙,甄 媛,李 鑫,李玉红


     【摘要】 目的 了解西城区中小学生家庭用眼行为状况,为预防近视,保护学生视力提供依据。方法 使用“中小学生家庭用眼行为情况家长调查问卷”,对西城区6所小学、4所中学共1 976名学生家长进行问卷调查。结果 中小学生看电视≥1 h/d的报告率为55.8%,看电视距离≤2 m的为39.2%,看电视、看书时采取坐姿的分别为85.1%和85.3%,书桌光源及看书距离合理的报告率分别为34.1%和50.1%;48.3%的家长能够根据孩子身高调整桌椅高度,85.3%的家长认为应纠正不良读写姿势,家长对保护视力的措施有一定的了解。结论 针对学生家庭用眼行为存在的问题,应对学生和家长共同采取有效的干预措施。

    【关键词】 眼;行为;对比研究;学生

    【中图分类号】 R 770.421 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)10-1222-02

    Survey on Eye Health Related Behaviors at Home of Primary and Secondary School Students in Beijing Xicheng District/ZHANG Shi-wei, LU Li-xin, GAO Xian, et al. Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Xicheng District, Beijing (100120), China

    【Abstract】 Objective To understand the status of eyes using behaviors at home of primary and secondary school students in Beijing Xicheng District, and to provide evidence for prevention and protection of myopia. Methods A questionnaire about students eye health related behaviors at homewas conducted among 1 976 parents selected from 6 primary schools and 4 middle schools in Beijing Xicheng District. Results The reporting rates of watching TV more than one hour per day and the distance to TV≤2 m were 55.8% and 39.2%. The reporting rates of taking the sitting position when watching TV and reading books were 85.1% and 85.3%. The right reporting rate of light and reading books were 34.1% and 50.1%. About 48.3% of parents adjusted the desk and chair according to height of children, 85.3% of parents thought they should correct the bad reading and writing posture of children. Parents had some understandings about knowledge of vision care. Conclusion Effective interventions should be taken for parents and students according to the bad eyes using behaviors at home.

    【Key words】 Eye; Behavior; Comparative study; Students


    1 对象与方法

    1.1 对象 选取北京市西城区健康监测点校学生家长为调查对象,选取小学(6所)三至五年级奇数班,中学(4所)初一、初二、高一、高二年级奇数班,共调查学生家长1 976人,其中小学949人, 中学1 027人。家长职业排在前3位的分别是:专业技术人员(如医生、教师、律师等)489人(24.7%),办事人员(普通公务员、公司职员等)373人(18.9%),机关、企事业单位管理者349人(17.7%);家长的文化程度排在前3位的分别是:大学本科及以上870人(44.0%),大专405人(20.5%),高中/技校/中专394人(19.9%)。

    1.2 方法 参照“北京市青少年健康相关行为调查问卷”,自行设计“中小学生家庭用眼行为情况家长调查问卷”,对全体受试学生家长进行问卷调查。问卷内容包括家长基本情况,学生在家用眼行为,家长对待学生用眼行为等。

    1.3 统计分析 使用EpiData 3.1建立数据库,并进行数据录入,SPSS 13 ......
