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http://www.100md.com 2015年2月15日 中国中药杂志 2015年第4期


    Quality classification criteria of Paeonia suffruticosa seeds

    CAO Ya-yue, ZHU Zai-biao, GUO Qiao-sheng*, LIU Li, WANG Chang-lin

    (Institute of Chinese Medicinal Materials, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China)
, http://www.100md.com
    [Abstract] In order to establish the quality classification criteria of Paeonia suffruticosa seeds, thirty-one batches of P. suffruticosa seeds from different provenances were selected. The seed rooting rate, seed germination rate, seed purity, seed viability, 1 000-seed weight and moisture content were determined and analyzed through SPSS 20.0 software. Seed rooting rate, seed germination rate and seed purity were selected as the main index for classification, while 1 000-seed weight, seed viability and moisture content could be used as important references. The seed quality grading of P. suffruticosa was set as three grades. The seed quality of each grade should meet following requirements: For the first grade seeds, seed rooting rate≥80%, seed germination rate≥80%, seed purity≥90%, seed viability≥80%, 1 000-seed weight≥250 g, moisture content≤10. For the second grade seeds, seed rooting rate≥50%, seed germination rate≥60%, seed purity≥70%, seed viability≥75%, 1 000-seed weight≥225 g, moisture content≤10. For the third grade seeds, seed rooting rate≥20%, seed germination rate≥45%, seed purity≥60%, seed viability≥45%, 1 000-seed weight≥205 g, moisture content≤10. The quality classification criteria of P.suffruticosa seeds have been initially established.
, 百拇医药
    [Key words]Paeonia suffruticosa; seed; quality classification criteria


    牡丹Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. 为毛茛科芍药属多年生木本植物。牡丹皮具有清热凉血、活血化瘀之功效,主要用于温毒发斑、吐血、夜热早凉、无汗骨蒸、经闭痛经、痈肿疮毒、跌扑伤痛等[1]。近年来,特别是2011年牡丹籽油被卫生部批准成为新资源食品[2],导致药用牡丹种子需求量不断增加。药用牡丹种籽油用为目的后,市场上形成供不应求的局面,不少商家为了追求利益过早抢收药用牡丹种子,导致药用牡丹种子不适时采收,种子质量参差不齐,严重影响药材产量和品质。目前,我国只有人参等少数中药材品种的种子有国家标准,绝大部分中药材种子还没有相应的检验标准和质量标准,无法对市场上的中药材种子质量进行检验和有效控制。因此,开展药用植物种子标准化研究是我国中药材规范化生产急需解决的重要问题[3]



    实验所用31份药用牡丹种子于2013年7—10月采自安徽、山东、陕西等主产区的栽培居群,具体来源和编号见表1。经南京农业大学中药材研究所郭巧生教授鉴定为毛茛科植物牡丹P. suffruticosa的种子。, 百拇医药(曹亚悦 朱再标 郭巧生 刘丽 王长林)
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