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http://www.100md.com 2015年3月1日 中国中药杂志 2015年第5期
     [摘要] 在中医药传统使用中,泽泻是一种常见的中药。随着临床应用中毒性报道日益增加,而其肾毒性逐渐得到关注。该文系统回顾了化学物质基础的相关研究,包括其化学成分和可能的毒性成分;以网络毒理学研究为基础,叙述了泽泻毒性作用。基于泽泻肾毒性研究的争议,剖析了可能存在的原因,认为泽泻肾毒性可能与药材的毒性物质基础组分导致的毒理网络调控差异、采用的样品炮制工艺存在差别、代谢功能强弱导致的成分蓄积、实验的剂量与时间长短及其复方配伍等因素有关。该文为提高泽泻的质量控制水平和科学合理使用泽泻提供了一定的参考和思路。

    [关键词] 泽泻;毒性成分;肾损伤

    [收稿日期] 2014-09-02

    [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金项目(81202906,81473394)

    [通信作者] 封亮,博士,研究方向为中药物质基础及机制研究,Tel:(025)85608672, E-mail:wenmoxiushi@163.com
, http://www.100md.com
    [作者简介] 汪春飞,硕士研究生,Tel:13721113447,E-mail:wcf90lotus@163.com

    Research development of the chemical material basis of

    Alisma orientalis and its toxicity

    WANG Chun-fei, CHENG Xu-dong, GU Jun-fei, YUAN Jia-rui, ZHAO Bing-jie, ZHANG Li,CHEN Juan, FENG Liang, JIA Xiao-bin

    (1. Co-Innovation Center for Structural Components of Chinese Materia Medica, School of Pharmacy,Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230038, China;
, http://www.100md.com
    2. Key Laboratory of New Drug Delivery System of Chinese Meteria Medica, Jiangsu Provincial Academy of

    Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210028, China;

    3. ALG (Suzhou) Medical Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou 215125, China)

    [Abstract] Alisma orientalis is a traditional herb medicine commonly used in clinical. With the increasing report of its toxicity in clinical, the renal toxicity of Alisma orientalis has got gradually attention. This paper systematically reviews the research on thechemical material basis of Alisma orientalis including its chemical composition and toxicity of ingredients; and also declares its toxic ingredients and targets according to Network toxicology. Based on the controversy on renal toxicity of Alisma orientalis, we analyzed the possible reasons that may be associated with renal toxicity. It might be associated with the differences of the material basis composition and regulatory toxicology network, differences in employed processing technology, the metabolic function leading to accumulation of compounds, dosage and duration of the experiment and compatibility. The review provides possible reference and ideas for the quality control and rational use of Alisma orientalis.
, http://www.100md.com
    [Key words] Alisma orientalis; toxic ingredients; kidney injury


    泽泻为多年沼生植物泽泻科植物泽泻Alisma orientalis (Sam.) Juzep.的干燥块茎,是中医临床常用中药之一。主产于福建,四川,江西等省区。生于湖泊、河湾、溪流、水塘的浅水带,沼泽、沟渠及低洼湿地亦有生长。泽泻具有利水、清湿热和泄热等功效,可用于治疗小便不利、水肿胀满、泄泻尿少、痰饮眩晕、热淋涩痛等病症[1]。单味药材及其复方均有使用,比如常见的六味地黄丸,其中一味即为泽泻。在传统的使用中,泽泻潜在的毒副作用一直不为人知。本草史籍对其毒副作用记载一直较少,如《神农本草经》云:“其味甘,寒,无毒”;直到现代,随着药理学、病理以及色谱技术等迅速发展,为揭示泽泻潜在毒副作用提供了便利条件。, 百拇医药(汪春飞 成旭东 顾俊菲 袁嘉瑞 赵冰洁 章丽 陈娟 封亮 贾晓斌)
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