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http://www.100md.com 2016年10月15日 《中国中药杂志》2016年第20期

    [关键词]远志; 农艺性状; HPLC; 商品品规; 良种选育

    [Abstract]The agronomic traits (plant height, root diameter, root length, first lateral root height, lateral root amount, root weight) of 18 Polygala tenuifolia samples with different agronomic traits were analyzed, respectively. HPLC was used to analyze three main characteristic components including tenuifolin, polygalaxanthone Ⅲ, and 3,6′-disinapoyl sucrose. At last, the correlation between six agronomic traits and three main characteristic components were analyzed by scatter plot. We found no significant correlation between root diameter and three main characteristic components. There were no obvious correlations between tenuifolin and the remaining five agronomic traits. Short root length and first lateral root height as well as high lateral root amount resulted in high levels of polygalaxanthone Ⅲ in P. tenuifolia samples. High levels of 3,6′-disinapoyl sucrose were observed in P. tenuifolia samples with longer root. So, the current commodity criteria and traditional breeding of P. tenuifolia did not conform to pharmacopoeia standards, which excellent medicinal materials should have high contents of the main characteristic components. It was urgent to revise the current commodity criteria and breeding methods.

    [Key words]Polygala tenuifolia; agronomic traits; HPLC; commodity criteria; breeding


    远志是我国常用的传统大宗中药材之一,始载于《神农本草经》,列为上品[1]。2015年版《中国药典》中收载的远志,为远志科植物远志Polygala tenuifolia Willd.或卵叶远志P. sibirica L.的干燥根,具有安神益智、交通心肾、祛痰、消肿等功效[2];其主要有效成分为皂苷类、酮类和糖酯类等化合物[3]。关于商品远志的品质,传统“商品远志以筒粗、肉厚、去净木心之远志筒为佳”[4]。现行的远志药材商品规格依然遵循1984年国家颁布的《七十六种药材商品规格标准》[5],将远志药材划分为志筒、志肉2种规格,其中志筒依据长度和中部直径的大小,划分为一等、二等2种等级,志肉只有统货1种等级。而2015年版《中国药典》则以细叶远志皂苷(≥2.0%)、远志酮Ⅲ(≥0.15%)、3,6′-二芥子酰基蔗糖(≥0.50%)含量的高低,作为评价商品远志质量优劣的标准[2]。因此,远志药材的传统商品规格及等级是否与上述3个指标性化学成分的含量有必然的相关性,这一问题值得商榷。

    目前,根类中药材新品种的传统选育方法主要参考根及根茎类农作物,以药材亩产量及根的农艺性状等作为主要选育指标。由于无商品化的种子来源,远志药材的生产种植目前仍处于一个粗放式、自采自种的原始阶段[6]。长此以往,势必会导致远志品种的退化。因此,有必要且急需对远志药材进行良种选育。又因中药材的质量优劣与其药效的强弱密切相关,其药效的强弱又与其体内有效化学成分含量的高低密切相关[7]。而作为远志药材传统良种选育的主要指标,根的农艺性状是否与上述3个指标性化学成分含量有必然的相关性,这一问题同样值得进一步商榷。 (王丹丹 白璐 许晓双 张福生 邢婕 贾金萍 田洪岭 秦雪梅)
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