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http://www.100md.com 2016年11月1日 《中国中药杂志》2016年第21期
     [摘要]采用毛细管法测定了人参细菌性软腐菌在4种趋化参数(浓度、时间、温度和pH)下对不同氨基酸和糖的趋向性响应。与对照组结果显示,赖氨酸趋化率为2.509 7(pH 8,质量浓度为0.025 mg· L-1、培养温度为25 ℃、培养时间为60 min),精氨酸趋化率为2.218 8(pH 6、质量浓度为0.25 mg· L-1、培养温度为25 ℃、培养时间为60 min),L-鼠李糖趋化率为3.091 2(pH 7、质量浓度为0.25 mg· L-1、培养温度为30 ℃、培养时间为60 min)和D-阿拉伯糖趋化率为3.026 3 (pH 6、质量浓度为0.25 mg· L-1、培养温度为30 ℃、培养时间为45 min)。糖类和氨基酸类对人参细菌性软腐菌有明显的趋化作用,且高浓度的氨基酸和糖对人参细菌性软腐菌的化学趋向性有抑制作用,但趋化作用随浓度的减弱反而增加。

    [关键词]人参; 氨基酸; 糖; 细菌性软腐菌; 化学趋向性

    [Abstract]The chemotaxis response ofErwinia carotovora to different sugars and amino acids in four kinds of chemotactic parameters (concentration, time, temperature and pH ) was determined by capillary method. The results showed that when pH was 8, concentration was 0.025 mg·L-1, culture temperature was 25 ℃ and the duration was 60 minutes, the optimal chemotaxis rate of lysine was 2.509,when pH was 6, concentration was 0.25 mg·L-1, culture temperature was 25 ℃ and the duration was 60 minutes, the optimal chemotaxis rate of arginine was 2.218 8,when pH was 7, concentration was 0.25 mg·L-1, culture temperature was 30 ℃ and the duration was 60 minutes, the optimal chemotaxis rate of L-rhamnose was 3.091 2, when pH was 6, concentration was 0.25 mg·L-1, culture temperature was 30 ℃ and the duration was 45 minutes, the optimal chemotaxis rate of D-arabinose was 3.026 3. Sugars and amino acids had obvious chemotaxis withE. carotovora,the high concentration of carbohydrate and amino acid exited an inhibitory effect on chemotaxis response ofE. carotovora, and the chemotaxis response decreased with the increase of concentration of carbohydrates and amino acids.

    [Key words]Panax ginseng; amino acid; sugars;Erwinia carotovora; chemotaxis


    人參Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. 为五加科多年生宿根植物,是传统名贵中药材。人参病害是影响人参产量与质量的一个重要因素。人参细菌性软腐菌作为人参生长过程中的重要病害,长期危害着人参的根或茎基部,且防治困难[1-2]。人参根系分泌的某些次生代谢物质被视为根际微生物的基质,作为化感因子调节植物与细菌不同种间的互作关系,在植物与环境互相作用中具有一定现实意义[3]。根系分泌物中含有诸如糖、氨基酸等初生代谢物质,其中至少有 10种糖和 25种氨基酸已得到鉴定[4-5],并对根际微生物的选择性促进发挥着重要作用[6-7]。甄文超等[8]在研究草莓根系分泌物和腐解物中8种氨基酸的含量时发现,不同氨基酸对尖孢镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum和立枯丝核菌Rhizoctonia solani表现抑制或促进作用。韩丽梅等[9]研究大豆连作土壤中有机物对大豆根腐病菌的影响时发现,土壤中糖类物质对半裸镰刀菌、粉红粘帚菌、尖孢镰刀菌的生长多表现低促高抑,而氨基酸和有机酸组分对3种病菌的生长多表现显著的促进作用。陈子英等[10]研究小麦根系分泌物中,含有14种氨基酸。杨靖春等[11]首次从人参根系分泌物中发现人参十多种氨基酸和可溶性糖的存在,从人参根系分泌物对人参根际霉菌作用试验中,发现当在10×10-6或10 mL时,分泌物对人参根际微生物中的各类霉菌,均表现出明显地刺激作用,但这种作用并非依着分泌物浓度的增加而表现为等量的增加。 (张爱华 安宁波 雷锋杰 马文丽 匙坤 张连学)
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