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http://www.100md.com 2017年6月15日 《中国中药杂志》2017年第12期
     [摘要] 药对是中医临床遣药组方常用的配伍形式和复方来源之一,基于体内药动学研究是阐述药对配伍增效减毒机制的1个重要内容。该文全面总结整理丹参-红花(君臣配伍)和丹参-冰片(君使配伍)2类经典丹参药对的“标识成分”药动学研究报道,评价其阐释药对配伍的合理性和科学性,为今后药对配伍的药动学机制提出可行性建议。基于药对的药效组分“标识成分”的药动学比较研究,基本上考虑了中药的复杂体系存在背景、未脱离与其天然共存的化学体系,可以较好阐述药对配伍的君臣、君使增效机制,佐证了中药的“药辅共生”理论,这种药动学研究思路能较好地诠释药对配伍的增效机制。而基于单体化学成分、脱离中药复杂化学环境的“标识成分”药动学研究阐释药对配伍的增效机制尚存在一定空间,其科学性和合理性有待商榷。

    [关键词] 丹参-冰片药对; 丹参-红花药对; 药对配伍; 药动学

    [Abstract] Herb pairs are usual clinical compatibility forms and one of compound prescription sources in Chinese medicine. Pharmacokinetic research in vivo is one of the important items in elucidating the mechanism for synergistic and attenuated mechanisms of herb pairs. The paper comprehensively summarized and systemized the pharmacokinetic researches of marker-ingredients about Danshen-Honghua and Danshen-Bingpian in order to elucidate the rationality and scientificity of herb pairs and provide some feasible suggestions on the pharmacokinetics of drugs in the future. In view of complicated system of Traditional Chinese medicines and a chemical system that is not separated from its natural state ......
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