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http://www.100md.com 2017年10月8日 《中国中药杂志》 2017年第14期

    [关键词]羌活; 药用植物栽培; 生物量动态; 元素积累; 需肥规律

    [Abstract]In this study,field cultivation experiments of Notopterygium incisum had been carried out for three years, and samples had been collected monthly during growth seasons, and biomass and nutrient elements of aerial and underground part of sampled plants had been determined to assess their seasonal and interannual dynamics respectively The results showed that biomass of underground part (dry weight) increased mainly in the second year after seedling transplanting, ie, biomass increased about 32 times in the second year whilst less than 6 times and 2 times in the first year and in the third year, respectively Therefore, efforts for yield improvement should be focused on the first two year in artificial cultivation of N incisum Accumulation of nutrient elements increased steady in the underground part during the first and second year, then showed a sharp decline in the first phase of growth season in the third year, while its accumulation in July to August of third year was higher than the value of second year Ca, Fe, B and Zn were larger demand nutrient elements to meet growth demands whether for the underground part or aerial part during the second year and third year for N incisum cultivation This result provided instructional guidance and scientific basis for artificial cultivation and specific fertilizer of N incisum
, 百拇医药
    [Key words]Notopterygium incisum; cultivation of medicinal plant; biomass dynamics; nutrients accumulation; nutrients demand of medicinal plant

    羌活Notopterygii Rhizoma et Radix是伞形科多年生药材[1],是中藏羌药中最常用的药材之一,以根状茎及根入药,主治感冒风湿、发热头痛、皮肤瘙痒、风水浮肿、痈疽疮毒等症[2]。近年来,随着国内外对羌活需求量的增加,供需矛盾日益尖锐,大量掠夺式的采挖使羌活野生资源濒临枯竭[34]。眾多有识之士意识到,开展羌活规模化的人工种植是缓解这一矛盾的唯一可靠途径。但是,由于对羌活的生长规律缺乏了解,生长周期长、产量低的技术瓶颈难以突破,影响药农的积极性,严重制约了羌活人工产业化种植的进程。目前,学者较关注羌活和宽叶羌活的人工栽培技术[59]、田间施肥管理[1011]对药材质量和产量和影响,鲜有报道人工栽培过程羌活生物量和养分需求方面的报道。本文通过对羌活一年生实生苗在原生地进行大田人工栽培,并连续3年对生长过程进行观测和连续采样予以分析,旨在揭示羌活在人工栽培条件下的生长规律及元素动态积累规律,为实现羌活的人工栽培技术规范制定以及专用肥配制等提供理论依据。


    11实验地概况定位观测采样实验在位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州小金县两河乡大板村的羌活人工栽培实验示范基地进行。基地为位于亚高山针叶林下缘河边的平坦耕作旱地,面积约2 hm2,土壤为山地棕色针叶林土,海拔3 263 m,E 102°2522′,N 31°3248′,年均温度122 ℃,无霜期220 d,地势平整开阔。选择环境条件基本一致的田块,起垄设置6个样区,样区大小为2 m×4 m,样区间沟宽02 m。, 百拇医药(蒋舜媛 秦纪洪 孙辉 王红兰 万凌云 周毅 王敏)
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