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http://www.100md.com 2017年10月8日 《中国中药杂志》 2017年第14期

    [关键词]柴胡皂苷; 药代动力学; 脑靶向系数; 藥物靶向指数

    [Abstract]To evaluate the optimum administration routes of saikosaponin in the treatment of epilepsy by comparing the plasma pharmacokinetics and the brain pharmacokinetics after different administration routes of saikosaponin After receiving saikosaponin in different administration routes, the mice were sacrificed to collect the blood and brain tissues The acetonitrile and methanol (9∶1) were used to precipitate the plasma protein The concentration of the SSa in mice plasma and brain was determined by UPLCMS/MS, and the pharmacokinetic parameters, bioavailability, the brain targeting coefficient (Re) and the brain drug targeting index (DTI) were calculated with Kinetica software The relative brain Re was 14217% by intranasal administration, with DTI of 306, significantly higher than those by the injections; in addition, the brain DTI was 125 by gavage administration The brain drug targeting of saikosaponin by intranasal administration was higher than that by injection and gavage administration, indicating the advantages of the intranasal administration on medicine absorption into the brain
, 百拇医药
    [Key words]saikosaponin; pharmacokinetics; brain targeting coefficient; drug targeting index

    柴胡为伞形科植物柴胡Bulperum Chinese DC或狭叶柴胡Bulperum scorzoneri folium Willd的干燥根,性微寒,味苦、辛,归肝、胆经[1]。现代研究发现柴胡皂苷具有镇静、抗惊厥的效果,对癫痫有一定的治疗作用[2],特别是柴胡皂苷a(SSa),其抗癫痫作用机制可能与抑制N甲基D天冬氨酸受体(NMDAR)激活,抑制NMDAR电流,调节不同的Na+通道或K+通道有关[34]。


, 百拇医药

    UPLC Xevo TQ三重四级杆串联质谱仪(美国Waters);色谱柱Waters BEH C18(21 mm×50 mm,17 μm);MSS型涡旋混合机(美国Scilogex);SK8210HP超声波清洗器(上海科导超声仪器有限公司);HC2062型高速离心机(安徽中科中佳科学仪器有限公司);MTN2800型氮吹浓缩装置(天津奥特赛恩斯仪器有限公司);AUY220型电子天平(日本岛津);AE/240型电子天平(上海梅特勒仪器有限公司);单道可调移液器(上海康敏检验设备有限公式)。


    色谱纯乙腈、甲醇(Merck公司);柴胡皂苷(实验室自制);SSa对照品(批号110777201108,中国食品药品检定研究院),供含量测定用;甲酸(CNY Technologies);水为屈臣氏蒸馏水;其余试剂均为分析级。


    昆明种小鼠,雄性,体质量18~25 g,清洁级,由重庆滕鑫生物有限公司提供,合格证号SCXK(渝)20120003。



    211色谱条件色谱柱为Waters BEH C18柱(21 mm×50 mm,17 μm);保护柱Waters Van Guard BEH C18(21 mm×5 mm,17 μm);流动相甲醇01%甲酸水(78∶22);流速02 mL·min-1;柱温30 ℃。, 百拇医药(戴雅洁 陈晓兰 唐红艳 邓显仪 谢浪)
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