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http://www.100md.com 2017年10月15日 《中国中药杂志》 2017年第20期
     [摘要]以款冬幼嫩叶柄为材料,研究植物生长调节剂对其离休培养与植株再生的影响,建立了款冬离体快繁技术体系。结果表明:款冬叶柄切段较理想的灭菌方法为75%乙醇浸泡30 s,转入饱和漂白粉上清液浸泡15 min;适合愈伤诱导的培养基为MS+6BA 30 mg·L-1+2,4D 20 mg·L-1,诱导率962%;在培养基MS+ZT 20 mg·L-1+NAA 03 mg·L-1上芽苗分化效果较好,分化率91%,平均芽数826个;较佳的不定芽增殖培养基为MS+KT 10 mg·L-1+IBA 03 mg·L-1,增殖倍數为1181,平均苗高49 cm;生根培养基为1/2MS+IBA 02 mg·L-1,生根数平均为568条,生根率为9522%以上;瓶苗移栽于河沙有机肥 3∶1的基质中生长良好,成活率达90%以上;大田试验表明:同等栽培条件下款冬组培株、栽培株和野生株在生长量与花粒产量等方面存在显著差异,以组培株生长量与花粒产量相对较高。组培品与野生品有效成分含量基本一致。

    [关键词]款冬; 幼嫩叶柄; 愈伤组织诱导; 植株再生; 生长量; 有效成分测定
, 百拇医药
    [Abstract]Young petiole of Tussilago farfara was used as the material to investigate the plant growth regulators which could influence in vitro culture and plant regeneration and to establish rapid propagation technique The ideal sterilization method was that young petiole of T farfara was sterilized with 75% ethanol for 30 s, and then transferred to saturated bleaching power supernatant for 15 min The suitable medium for callus induction was MS+6BA 30 mg·L-1+2,4D 20 mg·L-1 with 962% induction rate The seedlings had better differentiation with 91% differentiation rate and 826 buds on the medium containing MS+ZT 20 mg·L-1+NAA 03 mg·L-1 The preferred enrichment medium of adventitious bud was MS+KT 10 mg·L-1+IBA 03 mg·L-1with 1181 enrichment times and 49 cm seedling height The rooting medium included 1/2MS+IBA 02 mg·L-1 with the average number of rooting was 586 and the rooting rate was above 9522% The container seedlings can grow well and the survival rate was more than 90% when they were transplanted on the medium added with river sand and organic fertilizer with the ratio of 3∶1. The field experiments indicated that significant differences in increment and yield of pollen grains among the tissueculture, cultivation and wild type of T farfara under the same cultivation conditions The cultivated plants were relatively high on the increment and yield of pollen grainsThe active ingredient contnet of the tissue culture and the wild materials was basically the same.
, 百拇医药
    [Key words]Tussilago farfara; young petiole; callus induction; plant regeneration; measure; active ingredients

    款冬Tussilago farfara Linn,又名款冬花,冬花,多年生草本,为菊科款冬花属植物[1],其干燥花蕾,是我国传统的中药材,性味辛温,归肺经,具化痰止咳,润肺下气之功效,主治咳嗽、气喘、咳吐痰血等症[2]。亦可作为地被植物,用于花坛绿化[3]。随着在中成药,中药配方中应用的扩大,其需求量不断增大,目前商品款冬花以人工栽培为主,采用根茎无性繁殖,但品质逐年下降,而野生种质是丰产、优质、抗耐性品质的重要来源,但由于人为和自然等因素,野生资源逐渐减少,因此,促进中药产业的可持续发展,实施款冬花资源的保护和快速繁殖,已刻不容缓。对款冬花组织培养与快速繁殖的试验研究,目前还未报道见。本文利用野生款冬叶柄为材料,进行组织培养试验研究,以期获得高效再生体系的建立。


    培养材料采自甘肃小陇山林区。初夏,采摘款冬当年生幼叶,用清水冲去表面灰尘后备用。, 百拇医药(任继文 雷颖 李晓玲)
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