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http://www.100md.com 2010年8月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20108
     【摘要】目的:探讨手法复位在良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV) 治疗中的应用。方法: 回顾性总结我科自2007年1月~2009年12月间共诊治65例BPPV,分别行Dix- Hallpike 变位试验和仰卧侧头试验,确定责任半规管后,行手法复位治疗:后半规管及前半规管BPPV采用改良的Epley复位法,水平半规管BPPV采用Barbecue翻滚法。结果:经手法复位治疗症状消失的患者有61人,总有效率为94%。结论: BPPV治疗的关键是确定责任半规管,据此选择不同的手法进行复位治疗。 BPPV手法复位治疗安全可靠,医疗费用低,治疗效果好。


    Benign paroxysmal position dizziness’s clinical care research

    Wang Minghui Zhang Jianxin

    【Abstract】Objective: Discussion technique replacement in benign paroxysmal position dizziness (BPPV) treatment application. Methods: The review summarizes my branch ~2009 during year December altogether to diagnose 65 example BPPV from January, 2007, distinction line of Dix- the Hallpike dislodgement experiments and lies supine a side experiment, after definite responsibility semicircular canals, expert law replacement treatment: The latter semicircular canals and first semicircular canals BPPV uses the improvement the Epley resetting eethod, horizontal semicircular canals BPPV uses the Barbecue tumbling law. Results: Has 61 people after the technique replacement treatment symptom vanishing patient, the total effectiveness is 94%. Conclusion: The BPPV treatment’s key is the definite responsibility semicircular canals, according to the above chooses the different technique to carry on the replacement treatment. BPPV technique replacement treatment safe reliable, the medical expense is low, the treatment result is good. ......

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