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http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20109
     【摘要】目的:观察围产期心肌病患者的动态心电图表现。方法:应用12导联动态心电图仪对80例围产期心肌病进行检查。结果:80例中有55例(69.0%)左室肥大,45例(56.0%)ST-T波改变,37例(46.3%)心律失常,Q-T间期延长20例(25.0%)。 结论:心电图检查可作为围产期心肌病的诊断依据之一且简便、经济、重复性强。


    Perinatal myocardiopathy dynamic electrocardiogram observation

    Yu Huiqin

    【Abstract】Objective: Observes the perinatal myocardiopathy patient’s dynamic electrocardiogram performance. Methods: Using 12 lead unites the dynamic electrocardiogram meter to carry on the inspection to 80 example perinatal myocardiopathies. Results: in 80 examples has 55 examples (69.0%) the left room to be large, 45 examples (56.0%) the ST-T wave change, 37 examples (46.3%) the arrythmia, Q-T the time lengthens 20 examples (25.0%). Conclusion: The electrocardiogram inspection may take one of perinatal myocardiopathy’s diagnosis bases, and simple, economy, duplicated.

    【Key words】Perinatal myocardiopathy; Dynamic electrocardiogram


    围产期心肌病指既往无心脏病病史的妇女于妊娠最后一个月或分娩后五个月发产的累及心肌为主、临床表现为心力衰竭或扩张性心肌病病样症状,是一种特发性、非缺血非阻塞性心肌病 ......

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