当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《大众健康.学术版》 > 20109
http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 陈朝晖 肖传沛 傅宗光


     【摘要】目的:探讨精索静脉高位结扎术在亚临床型精索静脉曲张 (SVC)伴少精子症,弱精子症患者中的意义,方法:14例 SVC伴少精子症,弱精子症患者行经腹股沟途径精索静脉高位结扎术,并对术前和术后精液进行分析。结果:术后精子密度较术前明显提高,而精液量、形态、存活率、活力等无显著变化。4例 (28.6%)患者手术 7~ 10个月后受孕,另有 4例 (28%)患者手术 10~ 30个月后体外授精(外院生殖中心进行)妊娠成功。结论:SVC患者精索静脉高位结扎术后精子的质量及受孕情况有一定的改善。


    Asian clinical fine rope varicosity sends the sterile line of fine rope vein top digit ligation the significance

    Chen ZhaohuiXiao ChuanpeiFu Zhongguang

    【Abstract】Objective: Discusses the fine rope vein top digit ligation in the Asian clinical fine rope varicosity (SVC) partner few sperms sickness, in weak sperm sickness patient’s significance, Methods: 14 example SVC partner few sperms sickness, the weak sperm sickness patient passes by the inguen way fine rope vein top digit ligation, and after the technique and technique the seminal fluid carries on the analysis ......
