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http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20109


    The disposal of Febrile Convulsion in children’s Nursing process

    Lu Jianbing

    【Abstract】Objectve: To research the disposal of febrile convulsion in children and what I got from the process. Methods:Retrospectively, to analyze and summarize 40 cases of febrile convulsion in children during the past 3 years of clinical cure. Results: By means of stopping being scared and convulsion, keeping breathing smoothly, cooling dawn in body temperature in time and reinforcing warships, all patients of 40 cases get cured well and dismiss from hospital healthily.Conclusion: the significant ways to cure febrile convulsion in children are controlling convulsion quickly in time, reducing body temperature and reinforcing caring comprehensively. ......

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