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尿中主要成份对UF-1000i 全自动尿沉渣分析仪检测的影响
http://www.100md.com 2011年3月1日 伍启康 雷兰芳 谭智毅 黄燕婷 罗晓群


     【摘要】目的:对尿液中主要成分对UF-1000i全自动分析仪检测影响原因进行探讨。 方法 随机抽取部分本院住院患者尿液标本500例,所有标本均在1 h 内分别用尿干化学分析仪和UF-1000i全自动尿沉渣分析仪检测,再结合显微镜镜检。 结果 以镜检为对照,再结合尿干化学分析,全自动尿沉渣分析仪的假阳性率为14%,假阴性为2%。 结论 尿液中有形成份种类多﹑复杂﹑形态差异大,仪器本身原理的局限性,患者服药﹑病情﹑病程,标本的采集﹑处理﹑送检等环节的影响,仪器应当结合干化学分析﹑显微镜检查,三者联合应用

    【关键词】尿干化学分析; 尿沉渣镜检; UF-1000i 全自动尿沉渣分析仪


    【Abstract】Objective of the various components of urine on the UF-1000i automated analyzer cause of influence. Methods section were randomly selected urine samples were 500 cases of hospital inpatients, all specimens were used respectively in the 1 h urine dry chemistry analyzer and the UF-1000i automated urinalysis analyzer, combined with microscopic examination. Results microscopy as control, combined with urinary chemical analysis, automated urinalysis analyzer, the false positive rate was 14%, false negative 2%. Conclusion The physical component in many kinds of urine form complex great difference in principle the limitations of the instrument itself, the patient medication disease duration,Specimen collection, treatment, and other aspects of censorship, instruments for chemical analysis should be combined with dry microscopy, the three combined ......
