当前位置: 首页 > 医疗版 > 疾病专题 > 消化内科 > 肝胆疾病 > 肝胆肿瘤 > 胆管癌
http://www.100md.com 2012年2月1日 《医学新知·综合版》 20122
     (广西岑溪市人民医院广西岑溪543200)【摘要】目的:对肝门胆管癌的诊断治疗临床疗效进展情况进行综述。由于肝门胆管癌在临床上逐步得到重视,随着医疗的进步,其治疗方法也是趋于完善对其病的认识也日益成熟,因此本文针对肝门胆管癌的诊断治疗临床疗效进展情况进行拓展。【关键词】肝门胆管癌;诊断治疗;进展【中图分类号】R741.3【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1004-5511(2012)04-0175-01 【Abstract】Objective: to the diagnosis of hilar cholangiocarcinoma treatment clinical reviewed. As a result of hilar bile duct carcinoma in clinically gradually getting attention, along with medical advances, the therapeutic approach is also tends to improve the recognition of the disease is increasingly mature, in this paper, the diagnosis of hilar cholangiocarcinoma treatment clinical progress of development.【Key words】HCC; diagnosis and treatment; progress肝门胆管癌(HCC)指在原发胆囊管开口上方 ......

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