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http://www.100md.com 2012年2月1日 《医学新知·综合版》 20122
     (湖南中医药大学附性宁乡医院湖南宁乡410600)【摘要】目的:探讨绝经后女性宫腔积脓的诊断及治疗方法。 方法:对48例宫腔积脓患者,对其发病特点、诊治方法等加以总结分析。结果:全组48例宫腔积脓有45例(93.7%)痊愈出院,2例(4.2%)子宫内膜癌及1例(2.1%)宫颈癌患者术后辅以其它治疗。结论 绝经后宫腔积脓发病隐匿易误诊,阴道B超对本病的诊断有重要价值。围绝经期适时取环,定期妇检,提高自身免疫力,对防止本病发生有着十分重要意义。【关健词】绝经后期;宫腔积脓;临床分析【中图分类号】R711.32【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1004-5511(2012)04-0186-01 【Abstract】Objective: Uterine empyema of postmenopausal women diagnosis and treatment. Methods: 48 cases of uterine empyema patients, the characteristics of the disease, diagnosis and treatment methods to be analyzed. Results: 48 cases of uterine empyema in 45 cases (93.7%) were discharged, 2 cases (4.2%), endometrial cancer and 1 case (2.1%) patients with cervical cancer adjuvant treatment. Conclusion postmenopausal uterine empyema incidence of occult misdiagnosed, vaginal B has an important value in the diagnosis of this disease. Perimenopausal timely to take the ring, regular Gynecological improve their own immunity to prevent Benbingfasheng have very important significance.【Key words】Postmenopause; Pyometra; Clinical analysis子宫积脓是妇科感染性疾病之一 ......

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