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http://www.100md.com 2008年2月1日 《中国保健营养·临床医学学刊》 2008年第3期
     [摘 要]目的 探讨螺旋水刀在亲体肝移植术中应用的优势。方法 开腹游离肝周韧带充份暴露肝脏并定位切除线后用螺旋水刀进行断肝,肝内管道采用3-0线进行缝扎,切除后肝断面用止血纱布进行处理。结果亲体肝移植供肝右叶切除术12例,手术时间7~11小时,平均9小时。术中出血量600~1700mk,平均1200mk,2例术中输血。2例术后有右隔下积液。但均无术后大出血、胆漏等严重并发症,术后住院时间约10d。结论 应用螺旋水刀断肝的创面清晰,较好地解决了肝切除术中管道处理不够清晰的、术中出血多及肝组织损失较多等问题,可行,值得推广。

    关键词:螺旋水刀 肝切除术 亲体肝移植.

    Water jet dissection in life liver transplantation.GaoFeng,MengJian(Youan Hospital,beijing100000,China)

    [Abstract]objective to investigate the feasibility of water jet technique in life liver transplantation.Methodsawater jet was used for the transection of the liver in 8 life donater. The intrahepatic bile ducs were closed with electric coagulation. And the cut surface of the liver was treated with biological glue. Results there was 2 case of fluidify in right diaphragma muslc. The operation time ranged 7~11hour(mean 9 hour). The intraoperative blood loss was 600~1700ml(mean, 1200ml). Only one required blood transfusion in the surgery. Plstoperatively, no bile leakage or hemorrhage occurred. The hospital stay after the surgery was 10 days. Conclustions liver resection by using theWater jet dissection in life liver transplantation is a feasible technique and worthy of recommendation. ......
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