【摘 要】目的:分析优质护理在病毒性肝炎患者护理中的实施效果。方法:选取36例病毒性肝炎患者回顾性分析干预及治疗效果。结果:有3例患者出现并发症及时发现并处理,护理满意度达91.7%。结论:优质护理可以有效提高病毒性肝炎的治疗效果,增强患者活动耐力,减少感染、并发症的发生,从而促进患者康复。
【中图分类号】R473.5 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-7484(2020)09-0208-01
Analysis of the effect of high quality nursing care in hepatitis patients
Teng Xianru
(Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation Bureau Central Hospital, Heilongjiang Heihe Nen River 161441)
【Abstract】objective:to analyze the effect of high quality nursing in hepatitis patients.Methods:a retrospective analysis of 36 patients with hepatitis was conducted.Results:3 patients with complications were found and treated in time ......
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