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http://www.100md.com 2017年3月1日 《上海预防医学》 2017年第3期
     【摘要】 目的 了解上海市松江区2010~2014 年法定传染病的发病趋势和流行特征。方法 采用描述性流行病学方法分析。结果 2010~2014年全区共报告法定传染病24种36743例,死亡17 例,年均发病率467.57/10 万,年均死亡率0.22/10 万。其中无甲类传染病报告,乙类17种10274例,丙类7种26469例。5年间各类传染病构成比主要以肠道和呼吸道传染病为主,近年来新发传染病和性传播疾病又有逐年增长的趋势,虫媒和自然疫源性疾病波动较小。结论 由于本辖区人口构成比较复杂,流动人口较多且流动频繁,加上经常有输入性传染病病例的发生,导致传染病防控难度加大,需要政府加大对传染病防控机构人力和财力的投入。

    【关键词】 傳染病;流行特征;发病率

    [Abstract] Objective To find out the incidence trends and popular features of notifiable infectious diseases in Songjiang District from 2010 to 2014. Method The data were analyzed by descriptive epidemiological methods. Result From 2010 to 2014,a total of 36743 cases of 24 kinds of notifiable infectious diseases and 17 deaths were reported, whose average annual incidence rate was 467.57/lakh, the mortality rate 0.22/lakh. No class A infectious diseases were reported,10274 cases 17 kinds of class B infectious diseases were reported and 26469 cases 7 kinds of class C infectious diseases were reported. During the 5 years, the intestinal infectious disease give first place to respiratory mainly of all kinds composes than the infectious disease. In recent years,emerging infectious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases have increased year by year trend.Natural foci and vector-borne diseases fluctuation are less. Conclusion For more complex composition of the population in this area,the floating population and the movement of more frequent,Coupled with equent occurrence of imported cases of infectious diseases,resulting in the prevention and control of infectious diseases more difficult,require government increase the prevention and control of infectious diseases of human and financial resources.

    [Key words]: infectious diseases,epidemic features,incidence


    1 资料与方法


    2 结果

    2.1 流行概况

    2010~2014 年,松江区共报告法定传染病24种36743例。2010~2014年全区甲、乙类传染病总发病率波动于397.01/10 万~ 529.94/10 万,年均发病率为467.57/10 万;全区法定传染病死亡率为0.22/10万(表1)。

    2.2 各类传染病发病顺位

    我们每年对各类传染病发病率进行排序,分析前5种传染病发病情况,结果显示:2010~2014 年传染病发病率位于前5 位的病种中有4 种连续出现,分别为手足口病、梅毒、其它感染性腹泻、肺结核。手足口病、梅毒发病率5年分别排第1、2位且呈连续排列特征;其它感染性腹泻有3年排第3位;肺结核有2年排第3位。具体每年报告发病率居前5位的传染病顺位见表2。

    2.3 不同传播途径各类传染病发病情况

    从不同传播途径各类传染病的发病率可以看出.肠道传染病呈上升趋势,呼吸道传染病、血源及性传播疾病近5年发病率呈上下波动态势,虫媒与自然疫源性疾病发病较少。2010~2014 年以肠道传染病为主,其中手足口病年均发病率最高。呼吸道传染病中以肺结核、猩红热发病为主,尤其是肺结核病又有逐渐流行的趋势。而血源及性传播疾病中以梅毒、淋病发病率最高。具体各类传染病构成见表3。, 百拇医药(孔园园 张清慧 郭晓芹)
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