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http://www.100md.com 2018年7月15日 《健康大视野》 2018年第14期
     【摘 要】


    【关键词】 《金匮要略·虚劳病篇》;解读;论述分析

    【中图分类号】R181.3+2 【文献标志码】
, http://www.100md.com
    B 【文章编号】1005-0019(2018)14-034-01

    Abstract Objective: to aim at synopsis of synopsis of synopsis of the Golden Chamber. Clinical experience and methods of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) compiled and carried out in the literature. Methods: synopsis of synopsis of synopsis. As the main research object in the course of this study, the text of the works on the disease of asthenia is to sort out the exposition of the disease, and to carry out the basic experience that should be followed in the course of treatment and intervention. To create support conditions for the continuous improvement and optimization of the results of diagnosis and treatment of "asthenia" patients in the course of clinical practice of modern Chinese medicine. Results: synopsis of synopsis of synopsis. "deficiency of fatigue." in the literature, it is revealed that the patients with "asthenia" "from qi to blood" and "by"The basic characteristics of "meridian and zang-fu organs", from shallow to deep, from light to heavy to demonstrate and reveal the clinical course of development of "asthenia" patients, with solid and sufficient clinical promotion of reference value. Conclusions: synopsis of synopsis of synopsis. The article fully reveals the evolutionary mechanism of TCM and the reference experience of treatment of the disease, which has a solid and full practical value of influence.
, 百拇医药

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 研究对象与方法


    1.2 《金匮要略·虚劳病篇》的论述脉络


    在解读上述学理性论述信息过程中,可以广泛参照和借鉴中医学发展过程中的古典文献加以具体展开,遵照文献《金鉴》中的有关论述和记载:“ 此条亡血失精之下,与上文不符,当作另一条在后。”这条记载的主要意义,就是要在桂枝龙骨牡蛎汤联用临床条件下,可能引致“脉得诸芤动微紧,男子失精,女子梦交”的中医学病理演化效果。, http://www.100md.com(赵秉科)
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