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http://www.100md.com 2011年5月1日 吴志农 夏淑华 金蕾


     【摘要】目的 了解上海奉贤地区中老年妇女尿失禁的患者发病情况、各种类型尿失禁的发病特点和相关影响因素。 方法 随机抽取奉贤东部地区的四团、头桥、奉城、塘外4个农村地区40岁以上的女性2000例作为研究对象,用布利斯托女性下尿路症状调查问卷及亚太地区尿控协会制定的问卷,采用面对面的方式进行调查。 结果 共获得完整问卷1860份。被调查者的对象年龄40~87岁,平均年龄56.96±12.86岁。上海奉贤东部农村地区中老年妇女尿失禁的患病率为39.2%,压力性尿失禁、急迫性尿失禁和混合性尿失禁的患病率分别为24.5%,7.4%,7.3%,构成比分别为62.4%,18.9%,18.7%。多因素Logistic回归表明:年龄、体重指数、绝经、分娩因素、高血压、蹲坑排便、文化程度是上海奉贤东部农村地区中老年妇女尿失禁发生的影响因素。 结论 上海奉贤东部农村地区中老年妇女尿失禁患病率比较高,是影响农村中老年妇女生活质量的主要疾病;尿失禁中以压力性尿失禁为主,其他依次为混合性尿失禁和急迫性尿失禁。高年龄、体重指数高、绝经、阴道分娩、高血压、蹲坑排便、低文化水平是上海奉贤东部农村地区中老年妇女尿失禁发生的危险因素。

    【关键词】上海 农村 中老年 妇女 尿失禁 流行病学

    中图分类号:R694.54 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-0515(2011)5-364-02

    Older women in rural areas the incidence of urinary incontinence and its related factors

    Wu Zhinong Xia Shuhua Jin Lei

    Fengxian District, Shanghai City Hospital 201411

    【Abstract】Objective Shanghai Fengxian area of urinary incontinence in older women, the incidence of patients, the incidence of various types of urinary incontinence characteristics and related factors. Method of randomly selected group of four eastern Fengxian, the first bridge, Bong Town, Tong rural areas outside the four women over the age of 40 as a study of 2000 cases, with the Bristol Female Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms questionnaire and urinary Asia-Pacific region Association to develop the questionnaire survey using face to face manner. Results A total of 1860 questionnaires were complete. The object of respondents aged 40 to 87 years, mean age 56.96 ± 12.86 years. Shanghai Fengxian eastern rural areas the prevalence of urinary incontinence in older women was 39.2%, stress incontinence, urge incontinence and mixed urinary incontinence prevalence rates were 24.5%, 7.4%, 7.3%, respectively, constitute more than 62.4%, 18.9%, 18.7%. Logistic regression showed that multiple factors: age, body mass index, menopause, childbirth factors, high blood pressure, defecation pit, east of education in rural areas of Shanghai Fengxian urinary incontinence in older women the risk factors. Conclusion eastern Shanghai Fengxian urinary incontinence in older women in rural areas, prevalence is relatively high, affecting the quality of life of elderly women in rural areas the main diseases; urinary incontinence stress urinary incontinence in the main, followed by mixed urinary incontinence and urgency urinary incontinence. High age, body mass index, menopause, vaginal delivery, high blood pressure, defecation pit, low cultural level of the east of Shanghai Fengxian urinary incontinence in older women in rural areas, the risk factors ......
