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http://www.100md.com 2011年6月1日 谢梅霞


     【摘要】目的 探讨分析136例慢性盆腔炎的临床表现及治疗方法,总结其临床治疗效果。方法 选取我院2008年至2010年136例慢性盆腔炎患者,分别采用中医治疗45例、西医治疗44例及中西医结合治疗47例,对比观察三种治疗方案的临床疗效,记录相关数据,进行统计分析。结果 治疗后,中医组有效率为86.67%,西医组为81.82%,中西医组为97.87%,中西医组有效率最高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 慢性盆腔炎的临床表现通常为低热,易疲劳等,全身症状多不明显,中西医结合治疗是目前临床上治疗慢性盆腔炎最为有效的方法,具有重要的临床意义。

    【关键词】慢性盆腔炎 西医治疗 中医治疗 中西医结合治疗 治疗效果

    中图分类号:R711.33 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-0515(2011)6-036-02

    136 cases clinical analysis of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease

    XIE Meixia

    (Zhengzhou Coal Industry Group, General Hospital, Zhengzhou 450000 )

    【Abstract】Objective Analysis of 136 patients with clinical manifestations of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease and treatment methods to summarize the clinical effect. Methods our hospital from 2008 to 2010 136 patients with chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, 45 patients were treated with traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine treatment of 44 cases and 47 cases of Integrative Medicine, Observation of the clinical efficacy of three treatment programs, record data, for statistical analysis. Results After treatment, traditional Chinese medicine group was 86.67%, Western group was 81.82%, 97.87% in the Western group, the highest efficiency in the Western group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05).Conclusion The clinical manifestations of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease is usually low-grade fever, fatigue, etc, systemic symptoms and more obvious, Integrative Medicine is the clinical treatment of the most effective method of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, has important clinical significance.

    【Keywords】 Chinese medicine treatment of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease Western medicine treatment of Integrative Medicine


    1 资料和方法

    1.1 一般资料 我院从2008年至2010年对收治慢性盆腔炎患者136例,随机分为中医组、西医组及中西医结合组。中医组45例,年龄19~54 岁,平均39.4±3.1岁,病程2 个月~7年,平均1.7±0.4年,其中轻度17例,中度21例,重度7例;西医组44例,年龄19~52 岁,平均38.4±2.9岁,病程3个月~7年,平均1.6±0.3年,其中轻度16例,中度21例,重度7例;中西医组47例,年龄19~53 岁,平均39.7±2.2岁,病程3个月~7年,平均1.7±0.2年,其中轻度18例,中度20例,重度8例。所有患者均为初治,三组患者年龄、病程、疾病严重程度等差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。136例患者中,有急性盆腔炎史者77例;慢性盆腔痛患者54例,其中下腹部坠胀疼痛31例、腰骶部酸痛23例,一般在劳累或性交后疼痛加重;月经不调患者37例,其中月经失调、不规则者25例,量多者12例;子宫底压痛及子宫一侧或两侧触及条索状不活动的包块者32例;B型超声检查可探异常回声包块、不规则暗区或子宫直肠凹处有积液的患者33例。

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