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http://www.100md.com 2011年6月1日 《中国健康月刊·B版》 2011年第6期
     【摘要】 运动员为争取荣誉而拼搏,必然会留下运动损伤。现有的应急疗法,如冷敷,加压或服用镇痛药等,仅能在当下解决问题,但难以阻止问题的反复发作或积累恶化,这是运动训练过程中的难题,终将导致运动员潜能不能充分发挥或过早退役。祖国医学博大精深,本文从中医学角度出发,分析了运动损伤的病因病理,探讨了根除运动损伤的方法。

    【关键词】运动损伤 治疗 中医

    中图分类号:R242 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-0515(2011)6-049-02

    【Abstract】Athletes struggle for the success during the competition.However,the hurts left from the struggle is inevitable.current therapy can solve it currently,but not forever,it will hurt again and again in one place.this is a problem in the process of training,and will lead to bad results.Traditional chinese medicine is rich and profound,the author analyzed the reasons of sports hurts,dicussed the method to solve it once and for all.

    【Keywords】sports hurts curetraditional chinese medicine

    1 病因分析

    在临床治疗伤科的运动员患者中了解到 ......

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