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http://www.100md.com 2011年8月1日 唐宜耀 周后龙 郑飞


     【摘要】目的 探讨血尿酸与老年原发性高血压患者颈动脉硬化的关系。方法 将我院110例老年高血压患者根据血压情况分为三组,比较三组患者的血尿酸值。根据患者颈动脉彩色多普勒超声显示结果将患者的颈动脉情况进行分组,比较各组患者血尿酸水平。结果 患者血压越高,其血尿酸水平越高,各组比较,p<0.05,差异有统计学意义。患者颈动脉内膜正常组血尿酸值明显低于其他内膜组患者,其血尿酸值随着患者内膜异常情况加重,其值升高,各组比较,p<0.05,差异有统计学意义。结论 老年高血压患者颈动脉硬化程度与患者血尿酸水平呈正相关,其值可提示高血压患者出现血尿酸升高,并属于危险情况。

    【关键词】血尿酸 颈动脉硬化 原发性高血压 老年


    Relationship between serum uric acid and carotid atherosclerosis in elderly patients with essential hypertension

    Tang YiYaoZhou HouLongZheng Fei

    (Department of medicine, the Second People’s Hospital of Changde, Hunan Changde 415001, China.)

    【Abstract】Objective To investigate the relationship between serum uric acid(SUA)and carotid atherosclerosis in elderly patients with essential hypertension(EH). Methods 110 cases of elderly EH patients divided into three groups according to blood pressure, compared three groups of patients with uric acid. According to the results of patients with B-shows the carotid artery of the patient group, comparing the group of serum uric acid levels.Results The higher the blood pressure, the higher the blood uric acid level, p <0.05, significant difference. Carotid artery intima-normal uric acid was significantly lower than other endometrial patients, the uric acid in patients with endometrial abnormalities increase, its value increased, p <0.05, significant difference . Conclusion Elderly EH patients with carotid atherosclerosis and serum uric acid levels were positively correlated, the value of prompt EH patients with elevated serum uric acid, and a dangerous situation.

    【Key words】Serum uric acid(SUA) Carotid atherosclerosisEssential hypertension Elderly

    高血压是我国常见的一种疾病,其发生率正呈逐年上升趋势。而随着高血压患者的增多,患者发生动脉粥样硬化也越来越多。经过临床研究证实,高血压患者往往出现有高尿酸血症。而高尿酸水平,还会加重高血压患者疾病的进展,增加患者死亡率[1]。本研究通过对老年原发性高血压(Essential hypertension, EH)患者血清尿酸(serum uric acid,SUA)水平及颈动脉硬化(carotid atherosclerosis)的观察,以探讨它们之间的关系。

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料 选择我院2009年10月~2011年5月住院的老年EH患者110例。所有患者均符合世界卫生组织高血压学会对高血压的诊断标准(1999)。所有患者均除外肾脏疾病、肿瘤、痛风及血液病,且在一周内未用影响尿酸代谢的药物。其中,男60例,女50例,患者年龄在67~83岁之间,平均(76.89±5.11)岁。

    1.2 按照高血压程度进行分级 其中包括1级高血压患者39例 ......
