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http://www.100md.com 2012年3月1日 刘参禅


     【摘要】目的 总结分析眼眶炎性假瘤的CT及MRI表现特点、影像分型及鉴别诊断进行探讨。材料与方法 回顾性分析我院5 年间资料完整的眼眶假瘤27 例。结果 泪腺炎型7 例,2 例双侧泪腺增大,5 例单侧增大,密度均匀,边界清楚;前部假瘤4 例,位于眼球后方,与眼球紧贴,边缘不清楚,密度不均,2 例伴眼外肌增粗;后部假瘤6 例,位于眶尖部,不规则,密度不均,沿视神经及眼外肌向前发展;弥漫型2 例,充满眶内球后区,密度不均,眶内结构分界不清;肌炎型8 例,单侧发病,累及一或两条肌肉,弥漫性增粗。结论 CT及MRI 可明确病变部位、范围和对炎性假瘤的分型,并能跟踪观察疾病过程及评价治疗效果。

    【关键词】眼眶 炎性假瘤 体层摄影术,X线计算机

    中图分类号:R814 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-0515(2012)3-047-03

    【Abstract】Objective To analyze CT and MRI findings of orbital inflammatory pseudotumor as well as to discuss its diagnostic criteria and differential diagnosis. Methods CT and MRI findings of surgery and pathology proved orbital pseudotumor in 27 patients were analyzed as a retrospective review. Results Inflammatory pseudotumors were classified into five types : dacryadenitis , anterior pseudotumor , posterior pseudotumor , diffuse pseudotumor and myitis. (1) Dacryadenitis ( n = 7) demonstrated enlargement of lacrimal gland. (2) Anterior pseudotumor ( n = 4) showed retrobulbar soft tissue shadow surrounding the globe. (3) Posterior pseudotumor ( n = 6) revealed soft tissue shadow located in orbital apex. (4) Diffuse pseudotumor ( n = 2) displayed diffuse orbital inflammatory soft tissue. (5) Myitis ( n = 8) presented as enlargement of extraocular muscles.Conclusion CT and MRI can clearly demonstrate the location , extent and shape of inflammatory pseudotumor , and can easily follow up and evaluate its response to the treatment.

    【Key words】Orbit Pseudotumor Tomography X2ray computed Magnetic resonance imaging

    眼眶炎性假瘤(orbital inflammatory)是一种原因不明的炎性病变, 临床和影像表现多种多样,缺乏统一的诊断标准。笔者搜集本院从2002年7月至2007年11月间经手术与病理证实或者激素治疗后好转的眼眶炎性假瘤27 例,并就眼眶炎性假瘤的CT及MR表现进行回顾性分析,探讨其影像学特点,加深对该病影像特点的认识。

    1 材料与方法

    搜集我院2002~2007 年资料完整的眼眶炎性假瘤27 例。均经手术及病理证实。所有病例均无甲状腺疾病。男16 例,女11 例。年龄14~63 岁,平均42.5岁。单侧发病23 例,双侧4 例。临床表现以眼球突出(n = 23)及运动受限(n = 14)为主。伴有视力下降者3 例,眼睑肿胀3 例。

    27 例中23 例行CT扫描,均行增强扫描。机型为GE Highspeed双螺旋层厚5 mm ,层间距5 mm ,矩阵320 ×320 或512 ×512。CT 造影剂采用碘普胺(300 mg I/ml)或76 %的泛影葡胺80~100 ml 。16 例行MRI扫描,均行MRI动态增强扫描; 9 例同时行CT和MRI 检查。GE Signa 1.5T 超导型磁共振扫描仪, 层厚4 mm ,间隔0. 2 mm。MR 扫描参数: T1WI : TR 400~500 毫秒,TE 15~20毫秒;T2WI :TR 4 000 毫秒,TE 120 毫秒,回波链长8 或11 ;矩阵224 ×256 ;视野(FOV) 18 cm;激励次数3~4 次 ......
