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http://www.100md.com 2010年11月1日 刘军德黄永平


     【摘要】目的:观察体外震波碎石联合中药治疗输尿管结石的临床疗效。 方法:将108例患者随机分为两组,治疗组采用体外震波碎石加中药治疗,对照组采用体外震波碎石治疗。结果:治疗组总有效率87.03%,并发症发生率18.5%,对照组总有效率66.67%,并发症发生率35.2%。结论:体外震波碎石联合中药治疗输尿管结石具有痛苦小、疗效可靠等优点。

    【关键词】 输尿管结石;体外震波碎石;中药

    ESWL Combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine self-made party for Ureteral Calulus

    Liu Junde1 Huang Yongping2

    【Abstract】 objective To investigate the clinical value of EswL combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine self-made party for the treatment of ureteral calulus. Methodsa total of 108 patients with ureteral calulus were divided two groups randomly and treated respectively with ESWL combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine self-made party or ESWL . ResultsThe total efficacy rate of the EswL combined with ESWL combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine self-made party group and ESWL group was 87.03% and 66.67% respectively(P<0.05).but the side effects in EswL combined with ESWL combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine self-made party group were lower than those in ESWL group(P<0.05),The complication of EswL combined with ESWL combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine self-made party in the treatment of ureterl calulus was 18.5% and it was 35.2% in the ESWL group.Conclusions ESWL combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine self-made party is superior to ESWL in the management of ureterl calulus.ESWL combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine self-made party is a good choice.

    【Key Words】EswL;Ureteral calculus;ESWL combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine self-made party



    1 资料与方法

    1.1 病例入选标准: ①X线或CT检查结石最大长径<1.0cm;②B超检查同侧肾脏无中、重度积水;③KUB+IVP检查结石下段无梗阻狭窄等;④病程不超过3年;⑤首次接受体外震波碎石者。

    1.2 病例排除标准:①有出凝血功能障碍者;②合并慢性肾功能不全患者;③怀疑合并肾积脓者。

    1.3 临床一般资料:将符合病例入选标准的108例患者随机分为治疗组及对照组,每组54人,治疗组采用体外震波碎石术加自拟中药方,对照组采用体外震波碎石。治疗组54人,男32例,女22例,年龄最大68岁,最小16岁,平均年龄34岁,结石最大长径1.0cm,最小0.3cm,其中输尿管上段结石14例、中段结石21例、下段结石19例;对照组36例,女18例,最大长径0.95cm,最小长径0.25cm,年龄最大63岁,最小22岁,平均年龄36.5岁,其中输尿管上段结石18例、中段结石22例、下段结石14例。两组患者一般资料差异无显著性(P>0.05),具有可比性。

    1.4 治疗方法。体外震波碎石治疗:采用深圳慧康公司生产的HK.ESWL-V型碎石机。碎石前嘱患者憋尿200 ml左右,适当充盈膀胱。根据结石情况采用X线或B超进行定位。碎石体位髂棘以上结石取仰卧位,髂棘以下结石取俯卧位。碎石电压15~17 kV,频率6O~80次/分,X线或B超监视下碎石,冲击次数则视结石粉碎为度,一般而言,肾结石不超过1500次,输尿管结石不超过2000次 ......
