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http://www.100md.com 2011年2月1日 李杰 武心萍 刘超


     【摘要】目的:通过总结分析90例甲状腺结节各项超声指标与病理结果资料对照,系统的评价各项超声指标与病理相关性,为临床筛选价值较高的指标作为甲状腺良恶性的评估依据。方法:近3年经手术病理确诊的90例甲状腺结节病理结果与十项超声指标对照资料,系统分析研究两者间的相关性,全面评价各项指标的敏感性、特异性,假阳性、假阴性,筛选出临床价值较高评估指标。 结果:甲状腺结节十项超声指标中, 敏感性较高,而特异性相对较低的有:结节内部回声、内部结构、内部回声分布; 特异性较高,而敏感性相对较低的有:结节的A/D比值、结节边缘情况、结节血供类型; 敏感性和特异性均较高的指标有:结节边界情况、内部结构、声晕情况、钙化以及结节动脉阻力指数。五项指标评估的敏感性分别为94.12%、95.24%、70.58%、85.29%、76.47%,特异性分别为60.71%、95.56%、69.64%、87.50%、75.0%。结论超声各项指标在甲状腺良恶性姐姐声像图中存在多处交叉,国内外报道和评价不一,至今为止未见对各项超声指标进行系统研究的报道。本研究结果显示,十项中有五项超声指标敏感性和特异性均较高,与病理相关性较好。我们认为这五项指标可以推荐作为甲状腺良恶性姐姐定性评估的最佳指标,能为临床甲状腺结节定性诊断提供重要依据和临床价值。


    The Clinical Research of 90 Thyroid Nodules Cases by Ultrasound Evaluation

    Li Jie1 Wu Xinping1 Liu Chao2

    【Abstract】 Object : Analyzed ultrasonic indicators of thyroid nodulesin 90 cases and compared with pathological results, to systematically evaluated the correlation of echocardiography and pathological, selected the higher value indicators as a basis assessment of benign and m alignant thyroid nodules for clinical. Method:We compared the pathological results of 90 cases with thyroid nodules in recent 3 years which confirmed by operation and pathology with ten ultrasonic indicators, systematically analyzed the correlationship between them, comprehensively evaluated the sensitivity, specificity, false positive and false negative of every indicators, the higher clinical value indicators were selected.Results : In ten ultrasound indicators of thyroid nodules, high sensitivity and specificity are relatively low: Tuberous internal echo, internal structure, internal echo distribution; high specificity and sensitivity are relatively low: Results section of the A / D ratio, nodule edge cases, nodular blood supply; Higher sensitivity and specificity of indicators are: nodular borders, internal structure, sound halo case, calcification, and nodular artery resistance index. The five assessment indicators's sensitivity are: 94 ......
