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http://www.100md.com 2011年10月1日 李浩,吴小秦,刘元献,李许娜,李韵霞,曹志,于枫





    Effectsof Gubenqufeng particles on the immune function of asthenia syndrome of Allergic Rhinitis(AR)

    Li HaoWu Xiaoqin Liu yuanxian Li xuna Li Yunxia Cao Zhi Yu Feng

    【Abstract】Objective: to investigate the effects of Gubenqufeng particles(GBQFP) on the immune function of asthenia syndrome of Allergic Rhinitis(AR) Methods: 90 cases of patients were involved in the observation group to summarize the clinical treatment. 90 cases of healthy people from physical-examination department were selected as the control group. This study measured the substance P, sIgA, LTB4 in nasal secretions, levels before and after treatment, which paired T test would be used and the data were statistically analyzed. Result: the concentration of substance P and LTB4 in nasal secretions levels in the observation group were significantly decreased (P <0. 01), sIgA concentration was significantly increased, (P <0. 05). While the observation group was compared with the control group before treatment, substance P concentration, sIgA concentrations, LTB4 concentrations levels were significantly increased(P <0. 01). Conclusion: It should be possible for Gubenqufeng particles (GBQFP) may regulate the P substance, sIgA, LTB4 expression of cytokines it plays a role in asthenia syndrome of Allergic Rhinitis(AR).

    【中图分类号】R331.2 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1005-0515(2011)10-0413-03

    变应性鼻炎,以突然和反复发作的鼻痒、喷嚏、流清涕、鼻塞等为特征的一种常见、多发性鼻病,是特异性个体接触致敏原后由IgE介导的介质释放为开端的,有多种免疫活性细胞和细胞因子等参与的鼻粘膜慢性炎症反应性疾病,临床以鼻痒、阵发性喷嚏、大量水样喷嚏和鼻塞为主要症状[1],在普通人群中成人的发病率为10 %~30 % ,儿童高达40 %[2],近年来,本病发病率有增高趋势,严重影响患者睡眠、学习、工作和社交活动。根据历代医家对本病的认识及笔者多年的临床实践,认为变应性鼻炎病机主要在于肺、脾、肾三脏的虚损,以致气虚不能卫外,复感异气之邪侵袭鼻窍而导致本病。我们用自拟固本祛风颗粒对本病虚证患者进行治疗,在临床疗效显著。本文观察其对变应性鼻炎虚证患者给药前后的鼻腔内分泌物中的P物质、分泌型免疫球蛋白A(sIgA)、白细胞三烯B4(LTB4)的含量的变化,探讨固本祛风颗粒对变应性鼻炎虚证治疗的机制。

    1 临床资料

    90例患者均来源于本院耳鼻喉科门诊,符合1997年(海口)中华耳鼻咽喉学术会议修订的《变应性鼻炎诊断及疗效判定标准》[3] ......
