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http://www.100md.com 2008年8月1日 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2008年第8期
     【摘要】 目的 介绍心理学研究中的1个新领域。方法 文献综 述法。 结果 本文对当前感戴研究的主要领域:感戴与人格的关系,感戴 与健康的关系,感戴与幸福感的关系,感戴与 宗教的关系以及感戴与亲社会行为的关系分别做了阐述,并对未来研究做出展望。 结论 感戴的研究依然处于初级阶段,国内研究该给予更多的关注。

    【关键词】 基础心理学;感戴;综述;人格;健康;幸福感

    The Current Research Situations and Prospects of Gratitude. Dong Xia, Zh ang Ning, Jiang Tingna. Department of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University, N anjing 210097, P.R.China

    【Abstract】 Objective To introduce a new field of psychological resea rch. Methods Literature review. Results The mai n fields of contemporary research on gratitu de involve the relationship of gratitude and personality, gratitude and health,gratitude and well-being, gratitude and religion, gratitude and prosocial behav i or. This article illustrates the connections and prospects for future research.ConclusionThe science of gratitude is still in its infancy, mor e attention should be paid to this field of domestic research.

    【Key words】 Basic psychology; Gratitude; Review; Personality; Health ; Well-being

    “感戴”(gratitude)一词源于拉丁字根gratia ......
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