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http://www.100md.com 2008年11月1日 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2008年第11期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨重点理工科学校大一新生焦虑状况及相关因素,为进行针对 性的干预提供依据。方法 以广东某重点理工高校2007级的大一学生为研究 对象,采用自行设计一般项目调查表、状态-特质焦虑量表(STAI)、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量 表(PSQI)、应付方式问卷进行测评。结果 测查学生不论男女状态焦虑、 特质焦虑分均显著高于地方常模;19.29%的学生睡眠质量较差;高状态焦虑组和高特质焦虑 组解决问题、求助应付因子分均显著低于低状态焦虑组和低特质焦虑组,而自责、幻想、退 避应付因子分则显著高于低状态焦虑组和低特质焦虑组;多元逐步回归分析说明,学生如常 采用解决问题应付方式,在一定程度上可避 免焦虑的产生,而睡眠质量差、采用自责应对方式则可加重焦虑水平。结论采取有效的认知应对策略其意义是使学生改变应激源,以使其变得威胁较小或变成挑战, 把情绪基调训练成兴奋、期待和征服。

    【关键词】 理工科大学新生;焦虑;睡眠质量;应付方式

    Study on the Anxiety States and Their Influencing Factors of the Freshmen in KeyScience and Technology Universities. Zeng Weijie, Niu Zhiping, Hou Yunz hong. No.421 Hospital of PLA, Guangzhou 510318, P.R.China

    【Abstract】 Objective To study the anxiety states and their influenci ng facto rs from the freshmen in key science and technology universities in order to laya foundation for the pertinent inventions. Methods The 2007 fre shmen from one o f the key science and technology universities in Guangzhou were assessed with ge neral state questionnaires designed by our own, the STAI, the PSQI, and Coping M ode Questionnaires. Results ①In the study, the scores of thestate and trait anxiety of the students were obviously higher than that of the l ocal norm regardless of male or female.②More than 19.29% students are in poorsleeping condition. ③The scores of problem solving and recourse of the groupwith high stateanxiety and the group with high trait anxiety were obviously lower than that ofthe group with low state anxiety and the group with low trait anxiety, while thecoping factor scores of remorse, illusion, retreat were higher than that of thelatter. Multivariate Progressive Regression Analysis illustrated that if the st udents often adopt coping style of problem solving, to some extent, it can avoidthe occurrence of the anxiety, but the poor quality of sleep or adopting the re morse coping style will aggravate the anxiety level. ConclusionThe significanc e of taking effective cognition countermeasures is to make the students change t he stress source so that it becomes more challenging instead of threatening. Asa result, their emotional tone can be trained into excitement, expectation and c onquest.

    【Key words】 Freshmen in key science and technology universities; Anxi ety; Sleep quality; Coping style

    焦虑是指个体由于不能达到目标或不能克服障碍、威胁,使自尊心和自信心受挫,或使失败 感和内疚感增加而形成的一种紧张、不安、带有恐惧的情绪状态[1]。焦虑是大 一新生常见的消极情绪,焦虑情绪的持续存在极大程度地影响了学生们的健康水平、生活质 量与学习工作效率。本研究以重点理工科学校大一新生为对象,探讨发生焦虑水平与相关因 素,以便为高校开展心理健康教育,进行针对性的干预提供依据,从而促进大学生身心健康发展。

    1 对象与方法

    1.1 对象 本次调查采取整群取样,研究样本选取广东某重点理工高校2007级的大一学生1 82名,问卷采用统一时间、特定教室共同填答,时间限制45分钟以内。他们来自软件工程、 计算机科学与技术、工业设备与控制、信息安全工程、生物医学、计算机软件技术、国际经 济与贸易、生物工程、生物制药、生物技术等10个专业。

    1.2 评定工具

    1.2.1 自行设计一般项目调查表 包括年龄、性别、独生子女与否、考试成绩、家庭类型 、每月支出、经济来源、目前感觉最苦恼的事。

    1.2.2 状态-特质焦虑量问卷(STAI)[2] Spielberger等人编制,由2个分量表组 成,1~20 项为状态焦虑量问卷(S-AI),21~40项为特质焦虑问卷(T-AI)。前者用于评定即刻的或最近 某一特定时间或情景的恐惧、紧张、忧虑和神经质的体验或感受,后者用于评定人们经常的 情绪体验。分数越高者焦虑程度越高。

    1.2.3 匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI)[3] PSQI用于评定最近1个月的睡眠质量 , 主要统计指标为7个成分的各自分值和它们累积的总分。得分越高,表示睡眠质量越差。, http://www.100md.com(曾伟杰 牛志萍 侯云钟)
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