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http://www.100md.com 2020年3月1日 《中国中医药信息杂志》 20203

摘要:目的 采用网络药理学方法探究延胡索干预心力衰竭可能的作用机制。方法 检索中药系统药理学数据库与分析平台(TCMSP)、中国天然产物化学成分库,根据口服生物利用度(OB)≥30%、类药性(DL)≥0.18、生物半衰期(HL)≥4.00对延胡索可能的生物活性成分进行筛选,并通过蛋白质数据库Uniprot筛选出各活性成分可能存在的靶点,通过CTD、TTD、DrugBank数据库挖掘心力衰竭相关的作用靶点。通过基因注释工具Metascape分析延胡索干预心力衰竭的分子机制。结果 筛选出延胡索生物活性成分26个,预测出延胡索与心力衰竭相关的靶点210个,蛋白质相互作用网络构建筛选出关键靶点37个。Metascape分析顯示,延胡索干预心力衰竭的关键靶点主要与炎症反应、细胞凋亡和调节肠道菌群等生物过程有关。结论 延胡索不仅可直接对心力衰竭起到治疗作用,还可通过抗炎、抑制细胞凋亡及调节肠道菌群间接发挥疗效。

, http://www.100md.com
    中图分类号:R259.416.1;R285.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2020)03-0071-07


Study on Mechanism of Intervention of Corydalis Rhizoma in Heart Failure Based on Network Pharmacology

CHEN Jing, WANG Meng, HOU Zhitao

    Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin 150040, China

    Abstract: Objective To explore the possible mechanism of intervention of Corydalis Rhizoma in heart failure by using network pharmacology. Methods TCMSP and chemical separation of natural products in China were used. According to oral bioavailability (OB) ≥30%, drug-likeness (DL) ≥0.18, biological half-life (HL) ≥4.00, bioactive components of Corydalis Rhizoma were screened, and the possible targets of each active components were screened out through the protein database Uniprot. Heart failure-related targets were explored through the CTD, TTD, and DrugBank databases. The molecular mechanism of intervention of Corydalis Rhizoma in heart failure was analyzed by the gene annotation tool Metascape. Results Totally 26 bioactive components of Corydalis Rhizoma were screened out, and 210 targets of interventing heart failure were predicted. The PPI network was constructed to screen 37 key targets. Metascape analysis showed that the key targets of Corydalis Rhizoma intervention in heart failure were mainly related to inflammatory response, apoptosis and regulation of intestinal flora and other biological processes. Conclusion Corydalis Rhizoma can not only directly treat heart failure, but also indirectly play roles through anti-inflammation, anti-apoptosis and regulation of intestinal flora., 百拇医药(陈晶 王萌 侯志涛)

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