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[63] Dass S, Vital EM, Emery P. Development of psoriasis after B cell depletion with rituximab [J]. Arthritis Rheum, 2007, 56(8): 2715-2718.
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(收稿日期:2011-11-28), http://www.100md.com(程青青 万伟国)
[57] 白秋江, 舒荣. 抗类风湿性关节炎新药戈利木单抗[J]. 药物流行病学杂志, 2011, 20(1): 50-52.
[58] Mease PJ, Gladman DD, Keystone EC. Alefacept in combination with methotrexate for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis: results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study [J]. Arthritis Rheum, 2006, 54(5): 1638-1645.
[59] Hamilton TK. Treatment of psoriatic arthritis and recalcitrant skin disease with combination therapy [J]. J Drugs Dermatol, 2008, 7(11): 1089-1093.
[60] Viguier M, Richette P, Aubin F, et al. Onset of psoriatic arthritis in patients treated with efalizumab for moderate to severe psoriasis [J]. Arthritis Rheum, 2008, 58(6): 1796-1802.
[61] Papp KA, Caro I, Leung HM, et al. Efalizumab for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis [J]. J Cutan Med Surg, 2007, 11(2): 57-66.
[62] Cohen JD. Successful treatment of psoriatic arthritis with rituximab [J]. Ann Rheum Dis, 2008, 67(11): 1647-1648.
[63] Dass S, Vital EM, Emery P. Development of psoriasis after B cell depletion with rituximab [J]. Arthritis Rheum, 2007, 56(8): 2715-2718.
[64] Mielke F, Schneider-Obermeyer J, Dorner T. Onset of psoriasis with psoriatic arthropathy during rituximab treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma [J]. Ann Rheum Dis, 2008, 67(7): 1056-1057.
[65] Ritchlin CT, Kavanaugh A, Gladman DD, et al. Treatment recommendations for psoriatic arthritis [J]. Ann Rheum Dis, 2009, 68(9): 1387-1394.
(收稿日期:2011-11-28), http://www.100md.com(程青青 万伟国)