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http://www.100md.com 2018年6月15日 《上海医药》 2018年第17期
     摘 要 脑小血管病是一组与年龄相关的、涉及多种病因导致的多种病理学过程的疾病,已知与认知功能障碍关系密切,但影响认知功能的具体机制及结果尚未完全明确。本文介绍脑小血管病的概念、分类及其与认知功能障碍的关系,以期为进一步研究捋清思路。

    关键词 脑小血管病 认知功能障碍 痴呆症

    中图分类号:R749.13; R743.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2018)17-0009-04

    Cerebral small vessel disease and cognitive impairment*

    ZHANG Shufan, LUO Yufan, WU Danhong**

    (Department of Neurology, Shanghai 5th People’s Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200240, China)

    ABSTRACT Cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) is a group of age-related disease that involves in multiple pathological processes caused by multiple pathologies. It is known that it has a close relationship with cognitive function. At present ......
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