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http://www.100md.com 2020年6月5日 《上海医药》 202016
     摘 要 以上海市静安区北站医院为例,运用SWOT分析法探讨二级医疗机构参与区域医养结合建设的优势、劣势、机会和风险。二级医疗机构应建立和长者照护之家、老年日间照护中心、社区综合为老服务中心及养老机构等的合作协议,加强医养结合建设;充分把握政府支持和医养服务需求高的有利契机,积极参与区域医养联合体政策体系、标准规范及人才培养的相关制度建立;主动加强对医养结合相关法律法规的研究,积极推动政府出台相关标准规范;根据建设老年医学中心的目标定位,提供整合型、多学科协作式的连贯性老年健康服务,增强为老医疗服务能力建设。

    关键词 ;医养结合;SWOT分析;二级医疗机构

    中图分类号:R197.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2020)16-0016-03

    SWOT analysis of secondary medical institutions participating in the construction of regional medical and pension services integration

    PAN Yihui1, WU Xiaoqing2, LI Jingjing2, WANG Cong2, AI Heling3, LIU Deng4

    (1. North Station Hospital of Jingan District, Shanghai 200071, China; 2. Party Committee Office of North Station Hospital of Jingan District, Shanghai 200071, China; 3. School of Public Health of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China; 4. Linfenlu Community Health Service Center of Jingan District, Shanghai 200435, China)

    ABSTRACT This paper takes North Station Hospital as an example to analyze the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of secondary medical institutions participating in regional medical service combined with pension service. Secondary medical institutions should establish cooperation agreements with elderly care homes, day care centers for the elderly, community integrated service centers for the elderly and pension institutions to strengthen the construction of medical and pension services integration; they should fully grasp the favorable opportunities of government support and high demand for the integration of medical and pension services; and actively participate in the establishment of regional medical and pension services complex policy systems, standards, and related systems for personnel training; actively strengthen the research on the relevant laws and regulations of medical and pension services integration and promote the government to promulgate relevant standards and regulations; according to the goal of building geriatric medical center, the integrated, multi-disciplinary and collaborative elderly health services are provided to enhance the capacity-building of elderly medical services.

    KEY WORDS integration of medical service with pension service; SWOT analysis; secondary medical institution

    2013年9月,國务院印发《关于加快发展养老服务业的若干意见》[1],提出应积极推进医疗卫生与养老服务相结合,促进医疗卫生资源进入养老机构、社区和居民家庭。2015年11月,国务院办公厅转发《关于推进医疗卫生与养老服务相结合指导意见的通知》[2],提出应鼓励医疗卫生机构与养老服务融合发展,有条件的二级以上综合医疗机构要开设老年病科,做好老年慢性病防治和康复护理等相关工作。2015年上海市民政局、上海市卫生健康委员会等5部门联合发布了《关于全面推进本市医养结合发展的若干意见》[3],提出有条件的二级以上综合性医疗机构应开设老年病科及一定数量的老年护理床位,满足老年人的医疗需求。, 百拇医药(潘毅慧 吴小青 李静静 王丛 艾贺玲 刘登)
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