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http://www.100md.com 2014年5月21日 《医学信息》 201420


    Exploration of Teachers' Affinity Indicator Applied in Teaching Quality Evaluation System

    YIN Gang,WANG Peng,CHU Quan-gen,SHANG Li-li,XU Fan,YAN Gui-ming,HAN Jing-jing,KAN Jun-ling

    (Dean's Office,Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hefei 230038,Anhui,China)

    Abstract:Classroom teaching is still the basic channel and link of higher education. The quality of classroom teaching reflects and shapes the standards of education quality and talents cultivation. Scientific and reasonable evaluation of classroom teaching is an important measure to ensure the quality of teaching and talents cultivation. In order to dispel the influences of human relationships on evaluation of classroom teaching, we attempts to introduce a new evaluation indicator-Teachers' Affinity when we renew the teaching quality evaluation system. Its measure supplements and improves the original system, which makes it more impartial, objective and authentic. ......
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