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http://www.100md.com 2015年7月30日 《医学信息》 201530
     摘要:目的 了解德阳市手足口病的流行特点,以制定相应的预防控制策略。方法 对2014年德阳市手足口病疫情进行流行病学分析。结果 德阳市2014年手足口病比去年同期发病明显增高,共报告5537例,发病率为141.24/10万;发病高峰为10~11月,各县(市、区)均有报告病例,男性明显高于女性,男女发病率标化之比为1.45:1,差异有统计学意义;发病年龄为2d~60岁,病例主要集中在5岁及以下儿童,占病例总数的97.58%;实验室对363份标本开展了肠道病毒核酸检测,阳性总数为267份,阳性率为73.55%。结论 德阳市手足口病发病呈明显的季节高峰,5岁及5岁以下儿童为高危人群,散居儿童和幼托儿童是重点防控对象。加强宣传力度,提高卫生意识,是控制手足口病最有效的措施。


    Abstract:Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of hand foot mouth disease in Deyang City,to develop the corresponding prevention and control strategies.Methods To analyze the epidemic outbreak of hand foot mouth disease in Deyang in 2014.Results The city of Deyang in 2014,foot and mouth disease incidence was significantly higher than the same period last year,a total of 5537 cases were reported,the incidence rate of 141.24/10 million;the peak incidence is 10~11 month,each county(city,district)have reported cases,the male was higher than female,male and female incidence standardized ratio was 1.45:1,the difference has statistical significance;the incidence of minimum the age of 2 days,a maximum of 60 years old,the cases occurred mainly in children under 5 years old accounted for 97.58%of the total,were carried out in laboratory;intestinal virus nucleic acid testing of 363 samples,the total number of positive was 267,the positive rate was 73.55%.Conclusion The incidence of hand foot mouth disease in Deyang City,is the peak season obviously,5 years of age and children under the age of 5 for high-risk groups,scattered children and preschool children is the focus of prevention and control objects.Strengthen the propaganda,to improve the health consciousness,is the control of foot and mouth disease the most effective measures.

    Key words:Foot and mouth disease;Epidemiology;Analysis


    1 资料与方法

    1.1一般资料 流行病学资料来源于中国疾病监测信息报告管理系统中2014年德阳市的手足口病疫情资料,人口资料来源于德阳市统计局。

    1.2方法 应用描述性流行病学方法进行统计分析。病例诊断及标本的采集、检测按卫生部《手足口病预防控制指南(2009版)》有关标准执行。

    1.3实验室检测 医疗机构采集手足口病病例咽拭子标本进行病毒分离,阳性毒株采用EV71、Cox A16和肠道通用特异性引物进行RT-PCR鉴定。

    2 结果

    2.1概况 2014年德阳市总人口为3920369人,共报告手足口病5537例,发病率为141.24/10万,男女发病率标化之比为1.45:1,重症病例52例,占0.94%,死亡2例,其中实验室诊断267例,临床诊断5270例。

    2.2时间分布 2014年每月均有手足口病病例报告,从3月开始呈上升趋势,4~5月快速增长,第一个发病高峰出现在6月,7月开始呈下降趋势;9月开始,病例数再次上升,11月份发病数达到全年最高峰,曲线整体呈双峰分布,见图1。

    2.3地区分布 全年共报手足口病病例5537例,报告最多的是广汉市(1770例),其次依次是什邡(1334例),绵竹市(691例),中江县(673例),旌阳区(657例),罗江县(412例)。, 百拇医药(高燕等)
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