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http://www.100md.com 2017年2月5日 《医学信息》 2017年第5期
     摘要:目的 了解海南大学生对本校非常规突发事件心理危机干预体系的评价情况,为建立健全高校非常规突发事件心理危机干预体系提供科学依据。方法 采取整群随机方法抽取样本,用自制的一般情况调查表高校非突发事件干预机制合格情况调查表对海南省四所高校大学生3027例学生进行问卷调查。结果 海南省高校大学生对非常规突发事件心理危机干预体系评价合格率为58.2%,其性别、年级、您对自己专业的喜爱程度、学习压力、是否遇过突发事件、宿舍环境在差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 影响海南省高校非常规突发事件心理危机干预体系评价的主要因素是性别、年级、您对自己专业的喜爱程度、家庭经济情况、学习压力、是否遇过突发事件、宿舍环境、大学期间是否遇到刺激性事件,需要加强学校的预防干预体系宣传力度,以提高学校的心理危机干预体系的作用力,维护学生的民主心身健康。


    Abstract:Objective To investigate the evaluation of university students in Hainan in the system of non-emergency psychological crisis intervention,in order to establish and perfect the system of University non emergency psychological crisis intervention and provide scientific basis.Methods A stratified random sampling method, using self-made general questionnaire in non emergency intervention mechanism of qualified questionnaire survey on college students of four universities in Hainan province were 3027 students.Results College students in Hainan province of Unconventional Emergency psychological crisis intervention system for the evaluation of the qualified rate is 58.2%,the gender,grade,your favorite degree,for their professional learning pressure,if encountered emergencies,dormitory environment in difference is statistically significant(P< 0.05).Conclusion The main factors influencing the emergency psychological crisis intervention system evaluation in Colleges and universities of Hainan province are gender, grade,your favorite degree on their own professional,family economic situation,learning pressure,whether encountered emergencies,dormitory environment, university have stimulating events,the need to strengthen the propaganda of prevention and intervention system of school in order to improve the force, the psychological crisis intervention system for schools,maintenance of students' democratic psychosomatic health.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Unconventional emergencies;Psychological crisis intervention system;College students;Current situation



    1.1一般资料 第一阶段从海南省5所本科高校中,采用简单的随机抽样方法,随机抽取4所。第二阶段采用随机整群抽样的方法,分别按年级进行随机抽样,每个学校大约为800例,共3200例。, 百拇医药(陈太才 申亚男 王小丹)
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