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http://www.100md.com 2017年4月2日 《医学信息》 2017年第13期
     摘要:目的 探讨快速康复外科护理对肝包虫病患者术后感染的影响。方法 选取2015年6月~2016年2月新疆医科大学第一附属医院收治的60例将接受手术治疗的肝囊型包虫病患者,随机分为快速康复组与传统组,各30例。传统组给予传统护理,快速康复组给予快速康复外科护理,比较两组患者术后3 d、7 d、10 d切口感染、呼吸道感染及泌尿系感染情况及患者满意度。结果 快速康复组患者术后3 d、7 d、10 d切口感染发生率低于传统组(P<0.05),呼吸道感染率、泌尿系感染率同样分别低于传统组(P<0.05),患者满意度高于传统组(P<0.05)。结论 快速康复外科理念是指加快择期手术患者术后恢复、减少并发症发生率、降低患者死亡率及缩短住院时间而采取的一系列围手术期多学科技术综合运用措施。肝囊型包虫病患者给予快速康复外科护理,可有效降低术后感染发生率,减轻患者痛苦。


    中图分类号:R473.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)13-0143-03
, 百拇医药
    Abstract:Objective To investigate the effect of rapid rehabilitation surgery on postoperative infection in patients with hepatic hydatid disease. Methods 60 cases from June 2015~February 2016 in the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University were received surgical treatment of hepatic cystic hydatid disease patients were randomly divided into rehabilitation group and the traditional group,30 cases each.The traditional group received traditional nursing, fast rehabilitation group received rapid rehabilitation surgery nursing,compared two groups of patients with postoperative 3 d 7d, 10d incision infection,and patient satisfaction of respiratory infection and urinary tract infection.Results The incision infection of the rapid rehabilitation of patients within 3 d,7d,10d incidence rate is lower than in the traditional group(P<0.05),the infection rate of respiratory tract and urinary tract infection rate were lower than those of the traditional group (P<0.05),patient satisfaction was higher than that of the traditional group (P< 0.05).Conclusion The concept of rapid rehabilitation surgery refers to the acceleration of elective surgery patients after recovery,reduce the incidence of complications and a series of comprehensive use of perioperative multidisciplinary technical measures to reduce the mortality and shorten the hospitalization time taken.Patients with liver cystic hydatid disease treated by rapid rehabilitation surgical care,can effectively reduce postoperative infection rate,reduce the pain of the patients.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Rapid rehabilitation surgical care;Hepatic cystic hydatid disease;Infection



    1.1一般资料, http://www.100md.com(李梅 于竞璟 邵丽)
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