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http://www.100md.com 2017年10月8日 《医学信息》 2017年第17期
     摘要:目的 探讨中药处方分析及其在药学服务中的应用效果。方法 在医院中药部2015年2月~2016年3月诊治的患者中抽取104例作为研究对象,并将其中药处方作研究样本,按随机抽签法分组,对照组(n=52)接受传统药学服务,研究组(n=52)则在药学服务中加用中药处方分析服务,对比两组患者中药处方不合理应用率,并分析其不合理原因。结果 研究组患者的中药处方不合理应用率是7.69%,远低于对照组患者的25.00%(P<0.05);本组不合理的中药处方共17份,其中用药剂量错误4份,注脚标注不当及未标注7份,用药重复3份,方剂与诊断不符3份。结论 中药处方分析及其在药学服务中的应用效果肯定,可减少不合理的中药处方,保证患者用药安全。


    中图分类号:R288 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)17-0123-02 Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription and Its Application in Pharmaceutical Service
, 百拇医药
    LIU Jian-ping

    (Department of Pharmacy,Yuan'an Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital,Yuan'an 444200,Hubei,China)

    Abstract:Objective To investigate the effect of Chinese medicine prescription analysis and its application in pharmaceutical service.Methods A total of 104 patients were selected from the Department of traditional Chinese medicine in the hospital from February 2015 to March 2016,and the prescription was taken as the study sample,according to the random draw method,the control group(n=52)received traditional pharmaceutical care, while the study group(n=52)added traditional Chinese medicine prescription analysis service in the pharmaceutical care,the irrational use rates of Chinese medicine prescriptions in two groups were compared and the irrational causes were analyzed.Results The irrational use rate of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions was 7.69% in the study group,which was significantly lower than that in the control group 25.00%(P<0.05);There were 17 irrational prescriptions of Chinese medicine in this group,including 4 doses of incorrect dosage,7 inappropriate footnotes and 3 repeated prescriptions.The prescription and the diagnosis were inconsistent with 3 copies.Conclusion Chinese medicine prescription analysis and its application in the pharmacy service affirmative,can reduce the unreasonable prescription of traditional Chinese medicine,to ensure the safety of patients with medication.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Traditional Chinese medicine prescription analysis;Pharmaceutical service;Irrationality;Reason


    1 资料与方法


    104例患者均为2015年2月~2016年3月到医院中药部就诊,均意识清晰,对本次研究知情同意。按照随机抽签方式将其分成对照组、研究组,均52例。对照组中,男26例,女26例;年龄23~72岁,平均年龄(51.25±3.98)岁;文化程度:小学9例,初中23例,高中10例,专科以上10例。研究组中,男27例,女25例;年龄23~72岁,平均年龄(51.25±3.98)岁;文化程度:小学8例,初中25例,高中8例,专科以上11例。以统计学软件分析两组患者之间平均年龄、性别以及文化程度等基线资料的对比,结果提示其差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。, 百拇医药(刘建平)
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