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http://www.100md.com 2017年5月7日 《医学信息》 2017年第18期
     摘要:目的 用Meta分析系统评价中西医结合治疗复发性霉菌性阴道炎的有效性和复发性。方法 计算机检索中国知网、万方、维普、中国期刊全文数据库,纳入复发性霉菌性阴道炎的随机对照试验,对纳入文献进行方法学质量评价,并采用Review Manager 5.3进行Meta分析。结果 有效性分析纳入7个RCT,患者960例,治疗组479例,对照组481例。复发性分析共纳入5篇文献,纳入患者573例,治疗组306例,对照组267例。中西医结合与单纯西药治疗复发性霉菌性阴道炎疗效对比[OR=5.03,95%CI(2.99,8.46),Z=6.09,P<0.00001],复发性对比[OR=0.27,95%CI(0.15,0.48),Z=4.45,P<0.00001]。结论 Meta分析提示中西医结合治疗复发性霉菌性阴道炎的疗效优于单一西药疗法,且复发率低,值得临床推广。但本次纳入研究的质量评分多不高,期待更多高质量的随机试验提供更有效的证据。

    关键词:复发性霉菌性阴道炎;中西医结合;Meta 分析
, 百拇医药
    中图分类号:R711.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)18-0058-03

    Abstract:Objective To evaluate the efficacy and relapse of recurrent fungal vaginitis by integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine by Meta analysis system.Methods Computer retrieval China CNKI,Wanfang,VIP,China CNKI,randomized controlled trials of recurrent fungal vaginitis,the literatures for methodological quality assessment,and using Review Manager 5.3 Meta were analyzed.Results The validity analysis included 7 RCT patients,960 cases,479 cases in the treatment group,481 cases in the control group.The recurrence of a total of 5 articles were included,573 patients were included,306 cases in the treatment group,267 cases in the control group.With the pure western medicine treatment of recurrent fungal vaginitis curative effect of combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine[OR=5.03,95%CI(2.99,8.46),Z=6.09,P<0.00001],recurrent contrast[OR=0.27,95%CI(0.15,0.48),Z=4.45,P<0.00001].Conclusion Meta analysis shows that the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of recurrent fungal vaginitis is better than single western medicine therapy,and the recurrence rate is low,worthy of clinical promotion.But this time the quality score of the included research is not high,expect more high-quality randomized trials to provide more effective evidence.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Recurrent fungal vaginitis;Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine;Meta analysis


    1 资料与方法


, 百拇医药

    1.2.1研究类型 RCT,不限制是否采用盲法。

    1.2.2患者类型 复发性霉菌性阴道炎患者。

    1.2.3干预方式 治疗组接受中西医结合治疗,对照组接受西医常规治疗。

    1.2.4结局指标 主要指標为治疗的有效率,次要指标为治疗后的复发率。

    1.2.5排除标准 ①文献无具体数据报告;②文献未设立对照组;③治疗组干预措施除中药之外,还实施了对照组未采用的治疗方法。

    1.2.6疗效判断标准 ①主要指标:显效与有效合计为总有效。显效:阴道分泌物检查正常,临床症状基本消失,治疗后临床症状评分减少2/3以上;有效:阴道分泌物检查正常,临床症状有所改善,治疗后临床症状评分减少1/3~2/3。②次要指标:复发率,总有效患者再次出现本病症状体征或加重,病原菌检测由阴性转为阳性者。, 百拇医药(盛国楼 黄培艳)
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