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http://www.100md.com 2017年5月21日 《医学信息》 2017年第20期

, 百拇医药
    中图分类号:R277.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)20-0109-03

    Abstract:Aurae of stroke before the onset of stroke is a clinical syndrome,which mainly attack hemianesthesia,transient paralalia,paroxysmal vertigo and other symptoms,symptoms complicated,and forgetfulness,head pain,muscular twitching and cramp fingers,such as hemp and disease.The risk of stroke is closely related to the onset of stroke.Today's social work pressure increases,people are more emotional misconduct.Emotional disorders are more responsibility for the liver,the liver is the wind and the wood,the main catharsis,with emotional and emotional regulation of the body,keep the body of gas transfer machine dredge effect.If the emotional failure,liver gas stagnation,liver gas unhappy,can be sputum,blood stasis.Liver gas stagnation,gas line lax,gas stagnation is Jin stop,coagulation phlegm;Liver depression for a long time the fire,fry fluid and for the sputum;liver gas traverse in the spleen and stomach,spleen dry health,water stop and stop for the sputum.Sputum with the liver through the gas movements,everywhere.Liver depression and phlegm phlegm,often,phlegm fire,phlegm and blood stasis and other stubborn,dangerous,heavy disease.Liver is the key to the formation of blood stasis.Liver failure catharsis,gas line unhappy,then the blood stagnation in the inside,or cross in the outside,where the place,can be stasis.Liver fire,fire flaming,blood is suffering,can also be condensed into stasis.In view of the symptoms of stroke aura,the characteristics of the liver,the treatment of stroke threatened to focus on the transfer of liver,the prevention of stroke,relieve the symptoms of stroke aura,have a certain significance.
, http://www.100md.com
    Key words:Stroke aura;Liver main catharsis;Blood stasis



    国内中医对于中风先兆症进行过相关研究,如在《素问·调经论篇》中就曾经对中风先兆进行过阐述,认为:“形有余则腹胀,径搜不利。不足则四肢不用,血气未并,五脏安定。肌肉蠕动,命曰微风”[2]。《景岳全书·杂证漠·眩运篇》载有:“至于中年之外,多见眩仆卒倒等……即小中风也”[3],提出了小中风的概念及其特点,将中风先兆证命名为“小中风”,并且认为与眩晕、麻木相关。《医学衷中参西录》提出“脑充血征朕兆”与“脑贫血朕兆”的概念。, http://www.100md.com(王月皎 陈学军 王长垠)
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